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Lot's of PP

February 6 2009 at 2:22 AM

Inspected a resi job with pet. The pet is upset cause owner leaves him home alone so he te-te's everywhere.

Previouslyh I charged $75.00 for one 6" urine stain. But this particular job is pretty much approximaely 20 stains. The square footage is 800 sq'ft'. Stains through out the 800 s.f. Carpet is four years new. Dark green loop with yellow pee stains. The funny thing is I didn't smell oder. Some stains are 4months old.

I streesed over again that nothing is guaranr=teed going from the top or at all for that matter.

I will be using my stemon demon classic to flush with odorcide

dwell 5 to 10 min extract stains with claw then op with EncapHydrox for stain removal.

Three bottles of odorcide should cover the whole job. I'm looking to quote custy $1200.00 $244.00 for the op'ing and the balance for the decontamination. I actually don't feel up to this as I am my own technition with no helper. But if they accept proposal I'll make the $1000.00 FOR THAT DAY.


Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!

This message has been edited by theservant on Feb 6, 2009 2:24 AM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Lot's of PP

February 6 2009, 7:12 AM 

If it's as bad as you're describing, I'd suggest a one word solution to the client...
REMOVE or REPLACE (I guess that's actually 2 words.)

To quote the old country song...

"You got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em,
Know when to walk away and know when to run."

For you this may be the time to RUN.

Don't mean to rain on your parade. But it will be difficult to effectively remove that much urine and return the carpet to a sanitary pre-urine condition. You could improve the condition. But you're honestly throwing away their money - $1200 is getting toward the cost of replacement. The client would be better served to rip up the carpet and go with hard floors if they're going to allow the pooch to continue to destroy their domain. I LOVE pets, but the logic of allowing an animal destroy my home is hard to grasp. I guess I'll never quite understand that one.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Lot's of PP

February 6 2009, 9:09 AM 

I would have to agree with Rick. That is a lot of area to try and decontaminate.

But if you are still leaning towards tackling that one, I would change the plan of attack some what.
I would use a product like OSR or Odor Attack and saturate the spots and dwell for 30 minutes or more. Then use a claw to extract. Odorcide in itself will not break down urine. After clawing the areas, then inject Odorcide through the carpet into pad and down to the subfloor. Then clean as you wish.

It would be helpful to know the kind of animal, size and age. involved in your case. If it is a smaller animal, which translates to a smaller bladder, than it might be worth a shot. If an older animal, the urine is stronger and if on medications even more so. You mention you did not smell an odor. Did you get right down and sniff the spots? This can help to determine the extent of the damage.
A moisture detector can be very helpful also. As you probe the carpet face, then further to the backing and finally hit the floor, it will beep with more intensity if the contamination is heavy.

I have done several of these in the past and have turned out very good. Others I have recommended replacement. Been doing this many years and things I have learned over the years through failure have taught me a great deal. The biggest thing I have learned is that you have to duplicate the crime so to speak. Say you have a 70 or 80 pound dog. Their bladder is much larger than a 10 pounder. That means you need to guess how many time they have repeated in that same spot and treat accordingly. The biggest mistake many cleaners make is that they do not use enough product to treat an area.

Good Luck

Joe Gilstrap

Re: Lot's of PP

February 6 2009, 10:00 AM 

Alex, if they choose to pay you that kind of money for 800 sq. ft. they are gonna have very high expectations. Good money for you, but also a potential headache if they start calling with the good ol "I still think there is a slight odor" stuff. Plus the "PP Bandit" will strike again.
Good luck Alex!


Re: Lot's of PP

February 6 2009, 10:50 AM 

I have read that rule of thumb that is 20% or more of the carpet is urine contaminated advise as Rick said Remove or Replace. Very difficult to econmically treat effectively versus replacing.


Del Scrivner

Re: Lot's of PP

February 6 2009, 11:58 AM 

4 Steps to Odor Removal

1.  Eliminate

2.  Clean

3.  Recreate

4.  Seal

You can learn more at an IICRC Odor Control Class.

Make your own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

Current Topic - Lot's of PP
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