| Have you seen this before??February 6 2009 at 11:48 AM | Aris van de Loosdrecht |
| I've got a regular builder customer who has asked me to look at some condo's they've just built that have a dark residue on the carpet in the hallways.
It's a low level plush commercial carpet, he thinks it's nylon, but I haven't seen it yet. It's light biege.
They've had that clear sheet vinyl runner protector going down the hallways that is self tacking. It's designed to protect the carpet from paint and stains during construction, however, it's only designed to be down for a short time and they had it down for several months.
What I'm really going to be dealing with is the glue residue from this material that is now collecting dirt and is looking very bad.
There's four buildings involved and he wants me to test the worst area, before cleaning everything, he's worried he has to replace.
Has anyone seen this before? It would be nice if the Cimex could deal with this, I do have a truckmount as well and thought a combination of the two may be needed.
| Author | Reply | Kevin
| Re: Have you seen this before?? | February 6 2009, 1:01 PM |
We've done a number of these. We've used a concentrated mix of DS and Punch and bonnet on the lighter ones; on heavier residue, we will add a citrus solvent to our normal carpet prespray, agitate, and rinse like mad with the truckmount. I let the customer know up front that it may require an extra visit, and charge accordingly. We will need a second visit on about 20% of them.
Kevin Kluth
Pinnacle Cleaning
www.fullerdirect.com/0704120 |
| been there | February 8 2009, 2:18 PM |
If i read your description right, it sounds like you've got mold happens quite regularly where you have runners on the carpet to protect it from construction traffic. Doesnt matter how many trips you make i would make sure I sell the customer on a disenfectant like benefect, because they've track it all over the property. |
| Aris
| Re: been there | February 9 2009, 11:55 PM |
It's not mold.
It's the residue of the adesive on the back of the plastic.
I've got it under control. Citrus solv, scrubbed with Cimex, dwell time, flush with truck mount (nice and hot). |
| Re: been there | February 10 2009, 5:39 PM |
Had a customer with a similar issue but it was from Duck Tape and plastic. He used Power Gel and then Encap Clean DS, he said that he went back 2 weeks later and there was no sign of resoling from adhesive! I think your best bet would be to follow the directions above! |
| Aris
| GOT IT FIGURED OUT! | February 10 2009, 10:34 PM |
Got it figured out.
Actually was able to do it without firing up the truck mount, which was nice due to the multi story building.
Presprayed with Punch diluted to the heavy ratio and added an ounce of Prochem Citrus pro to the mix, agitated with the Cimex and let it dwell 10 minutes. Then I went over it with the Cimex with Encap DS at regular strength... a couple of extra gitation passes and GOOD AS NEW!!! Builder was very impressed, saved him a pile of cash!
Thanks again Rick for an exceptional product! |
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