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What have You got to Trade?????

February 8 2009 at 6:56 PM

I have one 17" OP machine w/ extra T&G brush,(780) one 15" OP machine like new(740) one VS Esprit Uph and Auto Interior machine(890) one 12"x16" Argo Stair/spot machine(170)two Dehumidifiers w/APO(200 for both) one Dehumidifer like new(95)Will trade ALL of the above for a 19" Cimex Must be in excellent condition or will sell for amts. in ( ) You can call me direct at 404-849-2724

Aaron Baum

That's a heck of a Deal!!

February 8 2009, 8:37 PM 

That is a GREAT deal Ray, if I had one to trade, I would do so Ray. I wish you the Best, and hope it works out for you.

Aaron Baum


Rick Gelinas

Re: That's a heck of a Deal!!

February 9 2009, 8:06 AM 

Tell ya what Ray. Keep all that stuff, pull out your credit card, and we'll send you a brand new Cimex wink.gif

Rick Gelinas


OK Rick

February 9 2009, 8:30 AM 

Have your people call my people and let's get something going. Seriously I will be in touch with you today.


Re: OK Rick

February 9 2009, 10:25 AM 

Keep your equipment and purchase the Cimex. If you part with what you have you will regret it. I have what you have plus the Cimex (less the dehus) and it gives me a nice range of cleaning ability. The Cimes does very well at large open areas to do a volume of sq/ft an hour, an OP is nice to do smaller hard to get in areas such as an office (as well as residential) and your Esprite gives you the ability to do upholstery. When I CC I can put both my sons on an OP machine and I run the Cimex and we are able to make a respectful dollar per hour. Keep your equipment, buy the Cimex, set a goal to go out and pick up 3 commercial accounts and you will not regret it.


Re: OK Rick

February 9 2009, 11:34 AM 

Thanks Bryan, but we have much more equipment than that. We also own a sister company called Original Steamers and a WDR company called Master Dry of Georgia. I went ahead and ordered another Cimex from Rick, but what is listed above is still for sale. Business is good and we like new equipment.


Re: OK Rick

February 9 2009, 11:50 AM 

Ah ok......thats good. Actually you have some equipment that would give someone a good start or could be a nice compliment to existing equipment so hopefully someone will work something out with you. Congrats on your new Cimex!


Re: OK Rick

February 9 2009, 1:53 PM 

How new is the Ispirit uph cleaner?

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!


Still a Baby, my Esprit (Aah-Spree)

February 9 2009, 5:33 PM 

34 months old and in excellent condition, it is the new version and cost $3200 new. It works really well with Releasit DS in the foam generator. One day I slipped up and put Punch in it. It does not generate the correct amt of foam w/Punch but with Releasit, you have to turn down the foam adjustment knob. You will not find another one in this condition for $790


Re: Still a Baby, my Esprit (Aah-Spree)

February 9 2009, 7:59 PM 

WOW! Now that is a bargin....a few of jobs would pay for that. If you OP and want a method to clean stairs you can make the foam slightly wetter to do them. Yes DS works very well.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Still a Baby, my Esprit (Aah-Spree)

February 9 2009, 10:22 PM 

Hey Ray,

Thank you for the order! Sorry I wasn't in the office when you called today. I always like to speak with you happy.gif

We're in the middle of moving into a larger (and nicer) location for our office/warehouse/showroom. So we're installing new carpet, ceramic tile, painting, moving phones, getting signage, purchasing appliances, new desks, new chairs, etc, etc, etc --- so my time is really chewed up right now. But I would have LOVED to speak to my ol' pal. I'll have to wait till next time. Thanks again for the order. Enjoy your new Cimex!

Rick Gelinas


Re: Still a Baby, my Esprit (Aah-Spree)

February 10 2009, 7:47 AM 

Wow! The owner of a world class Distribution and Education Center Hdq. in Florida post on the board a "Thank You" for an order, just made my day. Rick, You are a class act. Yesterday, I also placed two other orders with two other Distributors, and not so much as a Thank You. I find that hard to believe in these tougher economic times.

Current Topic - What have You got to Trade?????
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS