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Q Rick Soileze and silk chairs

February 9 2009 at 7:02 PM

Hello Rick,
I have been asked by a company to offer a protective coating to their customer with some warranty protection.
The chairs are both Silk,
one antique and one new (can you say..$$$) The new one is $7k
also cleaning the new chair, it has a spot/soiling out of the box.

They also want me to provide this service to all of the furniture as a value added service.
What is your opinion, and will this work in this application?

I have looked after 2 of their customers for them now with a 5 Leaf rating (stars for the USA ers.. wink.gif
Thanks Rick or anyone else with this experience.

ps, the one job was a sofa - large arm chair and 4 dinning room chairs that were trashed, she thought she would have to through them out. She was bouncing up and down for joy when she took a look at them.

Releasit Encap DS and Encap Punch
sorry, NOOOOOO pictures, I forgot my camera....

see here...


I cannot believe the miracle work that was done on my sofa, chairs and carpet! I thought all of my furniture would have to be replaced after my tenants had covered them in stains... but now they are like new again! I cannot thank you enough for your help and services. I won't hesitate to contact you in the future for your services.



Rick Gelinas

Be Careful!!!

February 9 2009, 10:15 PM 

Soileze is safe for any fabric that can handle water, since it's a water based fluoro-protector. The real question is, can the piece tolerate water? You are a braver man than I am, because cleaning a $7,000 silk chair would honestly freak me out a little. There's too much potential for a claim. The chemistry of Encap-Clean, and Soileze is safe for most delicate fabrics, but I would still TEST, TEST, TEST in an inconspicuous section of the fabric before you attempt anything. Silk and cotton can sometimes become a nightmare fabric to work with. So if you decide to go for it - work with the fabric slowly and gently, exercising extreme caution! And of course, charge accordingly.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Be Careful!!!

February 10 2009, 7:33 AM 

I once cleaned a $17000 antique sofa for a designer. I was sweating blood the whole time. I would suggest 10% of the value for cleaning the chair and would do it all by hand.

Ed Turner

Re: Be Careful!!!

February 10 2009, 11:30 AM 

Thank you,,,
my thoughts exactly.
That is why I was asking, I have not decided to do this yet. I did inform her I would do some research and then get back to them.

This is turning into a great referral company for me, but they do have some very delicate fabrics that they sell.

Yes, underchair test, and test..

Thanks again

Current Topic - Q Rick Soileze and silk chairs
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