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February 11 2009 at 6:30 PM

I completed the Job with the Make-up. To clarify fiber type it was olefin loop 1". NOT WOOL!

I started by flushing with Punch (12oz/gal.) Guess what? The make-up came out using my Sphere Spotter machine with 4" uph.wand. But I looked deeper into the fibers and saw that there it was stained at the bottrom of fiber also. So I applied pro choice gel and it did the trick.

First off PUNCH is powerful stuff but yet gentle to everything coming in contact with it. (Nothing new to this board) Secondly I was amazed at the job the gel did with finishing off the light pink residue left there on the light beige olefin fibers. Rinsed and its like it was never there.

I charged my camera batteries but found they were no more charge left in them. Would have been great to share.

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!


Aris van de Loosdrecht

Re: make-up/olefin

February 12 2009, 7:27 PM 

I agree, that Punch is awesome stuff.

I have a condo builder I do post construction spotting and carpet cleaning for. A lot of spots they think are permanent I get out with just Punch, a gum getter and a rag, I almost feel guilty charging them for it.

Current Topic - make-up/olefin
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