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grapefruit oil

February 16 2009 at 3:03 PM

we don't do alot of cc, a few accts. we have the encap and the hydrox. we run porty's and low speeds with pads. how much of the grapefruit oil should we add to our 1gal pump up pre-spray?

Aaron Baum

Did you mean Teatree Extract?

February 16 2009, 7:13 PM 

I have never heard of grapefruit oil myself. Maybe I am not aware, but I know the Releasit products have teatree extract in them, and at increased drops per gal. I think 10 it becomes a potent antimicrobial. Correct me if I am wrong.

I know you will get the answers you are looking for!! These folks are full of knowledge, and always ready to help happy.gif

Have a Great Week!



February 16 2009, 10:48 PM 

the teatree oil. at what ratio do we mix with hydrox? client doesn't like the smell.


Rick Gelinas

Re: yes

February 17 2009, 7:45 AM 

Grapefruit oil smells great and is another essential oil alternative. It also exhibits some cleaning properties, though not as potent tea tree oil. So if you wanted to use another essential oil to alter the scent of Releasit, you could apply a few drops of essential oil to your solution. And grapefruit oil would be a particularly good option as it would blend nicely with the tea tree scent of Releasit. Only a few drops per gallon would be required to produce a nice scent.

Rick Gelinas



February 17 2009, 7:55 AM 

Phil R

Re: thanks!

February 17 2009, 8:34 AM 

This board is so cool. Whodathunk great fruit oil?


Kevin Pearson

Re: thanks!

February 17 2009, 6:18 PM 

So where do you buy grapefruit oil? Would it be at Wal-Mart where I get my tea tree oil?


Rick Gelinas

Re: thanks!

February 17 2009, 8:44 PM 


You'll probably need to track down a local health food store that sells essential oils. Or you can probably find it online too.

Rick Gelinas


Re: thanks!

February 17 2009, 9:19 PM 

grape fruit?


Kevin Pearson

Re: thanks!

February 18 2009, 6:19 PM 

Thanks Rick.

Ed Turner

Re: thanks!

February 20 2009, 11:28 AM 

Grape Seed Extract is better than Grapefruit extract for cleaning. Though GSE does have a lighter scent, and grapefruit a stronger scent.

Also if you are looking for the better Tee Tree oils, get the ones from Australia and not the lesser grade from India and China

Current Topic - grapefruit oil
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