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February 18 2009 at 9:09 AM
Mark Anthony 

What is the largest letters to advertise, you "Company Name", your "Product" of what you do like "carpet cleaning" and is it better to use "Carpet care" rather than "Carpet Cleaning"? Do you use "Very Low Moisture" as your larger leters, and phne number? I am ready to do a new van because my old died. I want people to see waht is going to get their attention. Any help would be great

Thanx :~}
Mark Anthony

Afterglow Carpet Care



February 18 2009, 1:03 PM 

Pictures, pictures, pictures. Take a look at John G. van the pictures are easier to see than lettering is to read. The pictures will attract attention.

Don Eldred


February 18 2009, 3:41 PM 

I disagree, I have seen so many vans lately with a wrap on them and finding the company name is almost impossible. Name and phone # should be the focus point.


Kevin Pearson


February 18 2009, 6:18 PM 

I would have to agree with Don, no van wrap. People call off my van all the time. Here's ours.

[linked image]


Aris van de Loosdrecht

Partial wrap

February 18 2009, 6:28 PM 

I agree with the whole wrap. Sometimes they're well done, however usually it's way too busy, your name and number get lost. I don't believe they would be worth the expense either.

I went with a partial wrap around the back corners of the van and only a 1/4 way down the side. It attracts attention. My company name and number are on the remaining white surface, large and easy to read. It cost a lot less and still impresses people with a unique look.

This message has been edited by CleanEvolve on Feb 18, 2009 6:29 PM

The Carpet Doctor

Pic's of Our Van Graphics

February 19 2009, 2:43 PM 

[linked image]

[linked image]

Current Topic - VAN LETTERING
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