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Replacing Belt?

March 3 2009 at 1:05 PM

How do you replace belt on a 19" Cimex?



Rick Gelinas

Re: Replacing Belt?

March 3 2009, 4:13 PM 

1. Remove the white plastic plate on the bottom of the machine (phillips head screws)

2. Replace the belt by wrapping the belt around the center spindle and 2 of the pulleys.

3. Then work the belt over the 3rd pulley by rotating the blue drive platform and the pulleys so that the belt works its way onto the 3rd pulley (like putting a chain onto the front sprocket of a bicycle).

4. Replace the cover.

NOTE: Keep your fingers away from the belt as your working it onto the pulleys, if it pinches your skin it will injure you.

Rick Gelinas


replacing belt

March 4 2009, 8:48 PM 

I recently replaced a belt as well.. noticed the shaft on motor was very polished looking. was thinking I might had taken some course 100 grit sandpaper and roughened up the shaft to help prevent slipping. any thought on that.


Rick Gelinas

Re: replacing belt

March 6 2009, 5:29 PM 

I don't think you'd want to rough up the shaft - it might cause wear to the belt.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Replacing Belt?
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