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Where does Hydrox excell?

March 5 2009 at 12:04 PM

I have 10,000 feet to do Friday where we have to scrub & extract (don't ask)
I was thinking to use hydrox in the Cimex and the Ninja.

what do you think?

I also have Punch and DS

Thomas Owens

Re: Where does Hydrox excell?

March 5 2009, 3:04 PM 

Hydrox does very well when there are a lot of organic spots. I use it on residential a lot.

Also, since you are going to extract, you might want to use Punch since it won't foam as much as DS. I never tried extracting after using Hydrox, so I'm not sure on the foam level of that.


Re: Where does Hydrox excell?

March 5 2009, 3:15 PM 

You have all the right AGENTS there young man.
I would use punch to scrub and dwell. Then rinse with punch.
I would use Hydrox for spill ect. then do the above.
I would do the first above and encap with DS/Cimex the high traffic lanes after rinse. doorways ect.
I would do what you were thinking.

What I WOULDN'T do is use Hydrox in any same area as DS/PUNCH.

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!


Re: Where does Hydrox excell?

March 5 2009, 4:05 PM 

I'm leaning towards Hydrox for the whole thing...only because I have never used it before so it's my "new toy" LOL

the scope is: trashed apartment hallways


Re: Where does Hydrox excell?

March 5 2009, 8:29 PM 

I would try a smaller area first to see if the Hydrox will produce the result you want in this setting...We have found, like said above, organic spills is best treated with Hydrox, Normal soiling stick with the Punch.

If you have to extract, we always Scrub Punch in with Mex, extract areas that are the worst, Post pad even the worst areas with OP or bonnets on the mex. If it is really worth it, DS the area when dry.


Re: Where does Hydrox excell?

March 6 2009, 5:17 PM 

Used up a whole case, pretty good stuff.

Current Topic - Where does Hydrox excell?
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