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Microfiber pads/Vento

March 6 2009 at 3:42 PM
Phil R 

This combo does not work well at all.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Microfiber pads/Vento

March 6 2009, 5:12 PM 

Which Microfiber do you have?

If you have the original Gold and Blue Monarch bonnets they had some problems running on the OP machines. If you have standard blue bonnets, they work just fine on an OP machine. BTW we're presently having the Monarch pad redesigned - and I think the new ones are gonna be great for OP machines. We're currently working with a prototype of the new bonnets and we're getting close to something we like.

Rick Gelinas

phil r

Re: Microfiber pads/Vento

March 6 2009, 6:16 PM 

I got two blues one this week.

I have a OP, one you sold me, the vento.

They do not work.

Might work well under a brute but not the vento. The ends fold under and the mchine slides off the pad and onto the carpet.

did so with me three times in a row. makes tip bloom look tame.

The velcro hardly holds onto the pad.

If it is operator error I'd like to know. Be nice to use em since I got em.

They will be very aggressive too.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Microfiber pads/Vento

March 6 2009, 6:41 PM 


I'm sorry to hear they're not holding onto the velcro of your driver. OP machine pad drivers definitely present a challenge when it comes to gripping microfiber. The standard blue microfiber bonnets grip better than other microfiber bonnets we've tried, so I'd think you'd be alright. But if you're having a problem, please send them back and we will be more than happy to give you a full refund. Again, I am sorry they didn't work on your machine!

BTW - the new (re-engineered) Monarch bonnets will be uniquely designed for OP machines with a velcro backing material, so they'll hold onto an OP machine's velcro driver. These new bonnets are in the final phase of testing and should be ready to roll soon.

Rick Gelinas

Phil R

Re: Microfiber pads/Vento

March 6 2009, 7:14 PM 

I am unhappy with the pads but not with you rick.

I also have the other driver, one with the brush thingy...lemme try on that tomorrow.

I had a thin glider under the pads. If it ever works, it'll scrub the snot outta the carpet.

Will try and report.


Re: Microfiber pads/Vento

March 7 2009, 1:35 PM 

We use microfiber pads on the Orbot with out any problems at all. I did not get the pads from Rick though so they are most likely Monarchs. they are blue gold and blue, blue and blue, blue and white. 3 different pad configurations. All have worked great.

I wonder it the velcro on your pad driver is worn just enough not to work for the microfiber pads?

Andy Mc

Re: Microfiber pads/Vento

March 7 2009, 3:46 PM 

After a while the velcrow loads up with lint and stuff from your pads when you pull em off, Mostly if you have run a lot of cotton pads on it. It starts to lose it's grip ability. I wonder if that may be part of the problem Phil?

Phil R

Re: Microfiber pads/Vento

March 7 2009, 4:05 PM 

How about some tips for how to remove the 'stuff'?

The area in concern is way outside the velcro are...the pads are 21" big and they fold first at the edges then that fold (when pulling) rides under the pad and driver and off it comes.

Andy Mc

Re: Microfiber pads/Vento

March 7 2009, 4:30 PM 

I have no Idea how to remove it. Sounds like that's not your problem anyway. Just thought It might be. I kinda like it when it gets pluged up with gunk, it makes the driver easyer on the pads. happy.gif


Re: Microfiber pads/Vento

March 7 2009, 4:43 PM 

by your response it is not the velcro that is the problem since your pads fold on the outside area, but the pad folding then going under the machine.

I have the 19 inch pads and have not had this occur, my best advice would be to try out some 19 inch ones out, wet the ones you have out a lot and see what happens.

Phil R


March 7 2009, 5:29 PM 

I am now the proud owner of two of the _'WORLDS LARGEST COASTERS'_



Re: largest

March 7 2009, 5:36 PM 

Maybe they can be used as a frisbee?
Cut them in half and make them into carpet doodlebug pads.


Rick Gelinas

Re: largest

March 7 2009, 7:48 PM 


If you are not satisfied with the bonnets, or anything else that you purchase from us, we're going to take care of you. We have a few other customers using these bonnets with OP machines and we haven't had any complaints. But if you are not happy, by all means we're going to take care of you! We'll be providing a refund for you on Monday happy.gif

Rick Gelinas

Phil R

Re: largest

March 7 2009, 8:52 PM 

OP machines vary. MINE is tossing the bonnets.

so, if 'your other customers without complaints' are using the vento, then surely I am doing something wrong.

Perhaps you can post here the names of those who use them without issue.

Then those of us who bought a vento can chat about what pads we like.

I am certain these pads will run fine under a brute.


Rick Gelinas


March 7 2009, 9:04 PM 


I saw your post on the US Cleaners message board.

If you are having a problem with anything you got from us all you need to do is approach me and I will happily take care of you.

We've sold a few of these new style bonnets now, and yours is the first complaint we've heard. I assure you we take negative feedback seriously. We need to be alerted if there's a shortcoming with any of our products. We need to hear from people who use our products if they experience a problem.

Velcro and MicroFiber can be a tough combination. Microfiber bonnets can sometimes have trouble adhering to certain types of velcro. Microfiber does not have loops in the yarn so it can be a challenge getting them to stick on some velcro (it's the nature of the beast). This was a problem with the gold and blue Monarch bonnets so that is why we made the switch to a standard style blue microfiber bonnet. These blue bonnets grip velcro better than the Monarch bonnets did, so we thought we had the issue solved.

We have not heard that anyone has had any problem with the new blue bonnets up till now. That's why it's important to give us your feedback if you're having a problem. We can't address it if you don't tell us. Yours is the first complaint we've heard about the new blue bonnets.

How did we handle it when folks had problems with the Monarch bonnets? We gave everyone who had a problem a refund. And we will do so again if anyone out there is having an issue with the new blue bonnets. We will always take care of our customers. That's the way we do business.

Honestly the best way to handle this would have been to come to me and let me know that you were having a problem, affording me an opportunity to resolve the problem for you. Our reputation as a company has always been to support our customers and to take good care of them. And there's absolutely no reason to think we would handle things any differently now.

Phil, I will be happy to send you out a full refund on Monday.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Mar 7, 2009 9:13 PM

Phil R


March 7 2009, 9:28 PM 

The problem is not that the pad does not work. The problem is that during a chat with Drew I asked specifically had anyone there used then with the vento and, if so, did they work.
He assured me yes on both accounts.

You have not been the easiest guy to contact as of late.

Now, if you have anyone who uses these pads with any version of an OP machine that is finding them (pads) useful, I want to know.

You implied you had some. Who are they? Maybe the issue is pad size or driver size.

If you read my 'post' you also read many more regarding pads, DS, foam and other items on that same thread.

We all there regard you as the one guy in this industry who is a leader in the service arena.

Telling me 'they work' when no one knows if they do or do not, is outside your normal standard.

I will toss the pads. We can both chalk up the experience.

I am unhappy with the pads. More so because I feel mislead.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Rick

March 7 2009, 10:00 PM 


I am sorry that you are disappointed with the bonnets. I don't know what brands of machines our customers have purchased them for. And I don't know what you and Drew may have discussed together.

We have been under the impression that these new bonnets have been working fine for customers with OP machines. No other OP customers have told us otherwise. We thought we had a winner. However you have now provided us with some different information about their performance on your machine that will be helpful to us, and I appreciate it.

I will be providing you with a refund. A product that we sold failed to deliver the expected results and I WILL definitely stand behind taking care of you. Not a problem.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I regret that you had a problem with an item that you purchased from us.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Mar 7, 2009 10:04 PM


Re: Rick

March 7 2009, 11:06 PM 

I got  a headache!

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!


Re: Rick

March 10 2009, 10:33 AM 

"I am certain these pads will run fine under a brute."

How can you be certain? Have you yourself used these pads under a brute? If so great if not, take my advice just simply call Rick and talk with him. Keep in mind he just moved into a new location so getting a hold of him right away may be a bit hard. I do know from experience he does call back.

I may not own a vento, however I have experienced the same problem you are having. Dave gave you great advice go to the smaller pad. I did and problem solved.

You did mention you are going to throw the pads out. Why?
Wouldn't it make more sense to return them and get your money back?

It is your call Phil do as you will. I just don't think by what I am reading here. You are listening to the right people. I really think you would benefit greatly by working it out directly with Rick.

Current Topic - Microfiber pads/Vento
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