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Thank you Rick

March 11 2009 at 7:41 PM
Phil R 

although I prefer to let a dead horse lay, I owe you the public appreciation you deserve.

As Rick wrote clearly in his replies to my posts regarding the Micro Fiber pads, he sent, without delay, a full and immediate refund.

Neither myself nor anyone who has done biz with Rick had any doubt whether nor not he would but many who may not be sure could have read the thread.

I was unhappy with the pads but never with Rick. However anyone inferred my post is outside my concern. I own a business too and know problems do arise. How the problems are handled become the real issue.

Rick, you have my respect and my business.

I too have learned a lesson here and feel I do owe you an apology for my knee-jerk reaction. Perhaps it would have been better to alert you in private. In my defense I do stress though I was not angry. it was inferred so by a few here and at US cleaners. I removed the thread there to prevent future readers from similar interpretations.

You are a stand-up guy Rick.

I will post a similar thread there as well.

This message has been edited by clearlypro on Mar 11, 2009 7:42 PM

Thomas Owens

Re: Thank you Rick

March 11 2009, 10:34 PM 

I think when people post about problems they are having with a certain product, it can be beneficial for others who are using or may be interested in using a certain product. If nothing but positives are posted about every single product, we may end up being sorely disappointed when we decide to to use it.

I have really appreciated the honest and frank discussions that I've read about various products and have based many of my purchasing decisions on these critiques. For the most part, I have found this a fairly reliable way of choosing products.

The funny thing is that when I read some of these complaints about various products and choose to ignore them, more often than not I find these complaints to be valid.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Thank you Rick

March 11 2009, 11:23 PM 

Thank you for your reply. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. As I thought about your comments I figured that you were probably rightly frustrated. It's easy to get frustrated when a product fails to perform as expected. I'm sorry that something we sold you didn't deliver like we all wanted it to. And I appreciate your feedback because it helps us know that we need to limit those particular MicroFiber bonnets to folks with rotary machines. Thanks again for your follow up. You're a good guy Phil.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Thank you Rick

March 12 2009, 5:44 AM 

I to have had issues in the past with distributers. However the professional approach would be to contact them privatly prior to tarnishing their reputation nationally.

If no satisfaction is acheived then remove the gloves. We're all in business here. Would you want a customer trashing your reputation on the internet or newspaper without allowing you the opportunity to resolve the matter? Same thing here!

Rick, I do Thank You and your staff for the guaranteed service you have provided us with and support.

Phil R

Re: Thank you Rick

March 12 2009, 8:08 AM 

Let he who has not sinned......

Current Topic - Thank you Rick
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