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Question for Orbot Sprayborg users!!

March 11 2009 at 11:09 PM

We are currently using a Cimex for our commercial carpet cleaning. We are growing and I would like to have a second machine for when my wife can help me.

The orbot sounds nice for the thought of it being able to clean to the edges of the carpet, and that its light enough for a person to carry up steps. And it would be something to add to our equipment.

Is the Orbot something I should consider getting? Or should I just get a second Cimex?

Thank you!!!


Rick Gelinas

Re: Question for Orbot Sprayborg users!!

March 11 2009, 11:18 PM 

Ford or Chevy?
Paper or Plastic?
Orbot or Cimex?

These machines share many of the same attributes. If you're focus is primarily lots of commercial work, I'd lean toward the Cimex. If you're planning on a mix of small, medium, and large commercial work (and possibly some residential too) - the Orbot would be worth considering. The Orbot has an added benefit that it can be used for extracting a measure of soil with pads/bonnets as well performing straight encap cleaning. However the Cimex still has the edge for serious commercial work.

From the application that you've described needing another machine for, it sounds like you might be pleased with the Orbot. It is a cool machine! But it is a tough decision and one that you'll ultimately need to make based on what fits your business needs best.

Rick Gelinas

Thomas Owens

Re: Question for Orbot Sprayborg users!!

March 12 2009, 3:55 PM 

I have both. Cimex is great for large commercial accounts. Orbot is used for everything else, including residential. I also use the Orbot in certain areas of the large accounts as well.

Cimex is faster for large areas. Orbot is more versatile, lighter, and wows the customers. It goes up stairs VERY easily, unlike the Cimex, which can go up steps, but a bit tougher.

To sum it up, I wouldn't want to be without either one.


Re: Question for Orbot Sprayborg users!!

March 12 2009, 6:14 PM 

Same here.


Re: Question for Orbot Sprayborg users!!

March 12 2009, 7:23 PM 

Same there

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!


Re: Question for Orbot Sprayborg users!!

March 14 2009, 10:28 AM 

Thanks guys! We have one coming! I can't wait to use it!

Current Topic - Question for Orbot Sprayborg users!!
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS