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March 16 2009 at 4:49 PM
Phil R 

For those old timers here I would like some feed-back on some videos/books out by some of the gurus in the industry.

Obviously any reply is welcome. But the ones I need are about the following:

Barry Costas (spelling?)Books/Vidoes about uplhostery, repair etc

Jeff Bishop (mainly books)

I will take as many classes as are available throughout the year(s) but have decided to dig in and truly study the art/science of cleaning carpet, upholstery, rugs as well as the reapir thereof.

I ask only about the video/books. The people may be a god or demon. No concern of mine. Just wondering about the mateirals themselves.

thanks in advance.


Old timers indeed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 17 2009, 3:09 AM 

Al Zymers is a very good friend of mine you young whippersnapper you, so just be careful, eh. ? happy.gif

I purchased Barry Costa's "Master Secrets of Carpet Repair" on DVD from John Olson of Superior Cleaning Solutions.

Toll Free 877-644-0077

Service was Excellent, (can I say that please Rick ??).

He looked after me as if I lived next door.

I have one of L. (Jeff). Bishop's books, Specialized Carpet & Upholstery Spotting.

I purchased this about ten years ago from an Aussie supplier that now has PowerClean Australia, Gary Bethel.

Recently, I purchased the MasterBlend Rug Cleaning Manual by Aaron Groseclose.

This I got from Aaron when I did one of his courses last year.

I also purchased the Guide to Oriental Rug Cleaning manual co-written by Ellen Amirkhan & Aaron Groseclose.

This I got from Steve (Dusty) Roberts after I bought my Rugbadger.

As a reference source when K.R.A.F.T. kicks in, I have no hesitation in going back and checking up with these items.

I would thoroughly recommend recommend all of the items and the suppliers mentioned.

No animals were harmed, nor were any trees damaged during the composition of the post.

Any further questions, fire away.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

This message has been edited by Shortwun on Mar 17, 2009 3:57 AM
This message has been edited by Shortwun on Mar 17, 2009 3:20 AM

Current Topic - Videos
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