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8 months between cleaning!

March 16 2009 at 7:30 PM

I have been trying to get this account for almost 2 years with not luck. I clean 3 of the 11 clinics. After my last cleaning I was told that they are having a company clean the carpets for all the clinics. This was a real bummer. I keep calling and following up with them for about 8 months. I got a call last week that they wanted me to clean 2 of the clinics I cleaned before. The company that they where going to use didn't work out. Its been 8 months sense last time I cleaned with the cimex. The carpet LOOKED great. There where some dirty spots but the over all carpet looked great. Now I am trying to get all the accounts again. Wish me luck and I love my cimex.

This message has been edited by iluvcarpet2 on Mar 16, 2009 7:31 PM
This message has been edited by iluvcarpet2 on Mar 16, 2009 7:31 PM


Get back there

March 17 2009, 4:16 AM 

Get back there mate.

Ask that manager to at least give you a chance to show how good you are.

Ask for the dirtiest pad available, and clean the dirtiest 2 square yards, ONLY.


(This is a dirty war we are fighting). happy.gif

Do a real good vac; first.

Use your best juice and best pads.

Set a fan on it to speed dry while you put your gear away.

Explain the benefits of encap; over the other systems.

Push the health angle.

Push the dry time.

Push the cleanliness.

Push the safety angle, no hoses to trip on, all doors secure, less water usage.

By the time you put the fan away, there will be a marked improvement over the rest of the carpet.

He will then need to get the rest of the carpet cleaned and has two options.

1: He can get the people he previously got, and will be less than impressed.

2: He can get you to do it, thereby putting your foot in the door that much further.

All the best, and



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

Current Topic - 8 months between cleaning!
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS