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Things are slow on the Oz Forum

March 18 2009 at 7:08 AM

I don't normally do this, but I thought I would share it with you after todays great webinar.

Because things are slow, a few of the guys have started to post some jokes.

Me, not being one for such frivolity, posted this true story.

Now before I go any further, I'm going to give you a very small geography lesson.

Back in the mid seventies, I was in charge of the accommodation of single quarters in a mining camp called Weipa. This was the world's largest bauxite (aluminum) mine at the time.

I had about 60 cleaners working for me.

Weipa is about 500 miles north west of Cairns, and only accessible by road for maybe six months of the year, due to the wet season, cyclones, etc; Dirt road for over four hundred miles.

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

When I was up in Weipa, we had two backpackers find their way up there.

One was a Czechoslovakian & the younger bloke was a Yugoslav.

They heard the fishing was good and wanted to catch a barra.

Anyhow, I sent them off to Billy Lagoon.

About a week went by and they hadn't returned, so the local sarge ( copper ), came down to my office and wanted me to show them where Billy Lagoon was.

It was about sixty miles out of town in the sticks.

So we get up there after a few stubbie stops along the way and find where they were camped.

All their gear is there, but no sign of them.

I knew there were a few big lizards that used to make their way to this lugga during the dry and told the sarge this.

Next thing, the silly buggar is chuckin' sticks of jelly into the lagoon.

After a few minutes a large female and an even bigger male lizard surfaced.

So the guys pull in the female and run a knife down it's guts.

Inside it's guts is the remains of the 'Slav;

With this, Stan the sarge, say's to me, "you know what this means"??

"Nah" I sez.

He sez, "This means that the Checks in the male".



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

Current Topic - Things are slow on the Oz Forum
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