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March 19 2009 at 6:21 AM

Rick Gelinas  

I replied to your e-mail - but it keeps getting bounced. Not deliverable to your address from some reason.

To answer your question about the Steamin Demon in Australia - here's a copy and paste of my e-mail...

Hi Shorty,

I do not have specs for a 220 vac or pump out. But I would assume that such items could be found and retrofitted to fit on the SD's. I would think that pumps and motors that you already have in Australia could be located and adapted for these machines. It's kind of strange that Steamin Demon hasn't come forward and developed a model for your part of the world, like many other US manufacturers have done. At any rate, I would think it shouldn't be that hard to do, since it really is a basic machine. Realistically, any 220 volt vac motor and pump out that can fit inside the machine should be able to be fitted/adapted for the task. Gary Bethel would probably be a good source of information on components in your part of the world that might be available for this project.

Kind Regards,

Rick Gelinas

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Shorty
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