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CRI Approval

March 23 2009 at 10:42 PM
Geoff Dunlap  

If a cleaning chemical is cri approved does that necessarily mean it is better then one that is not? Unless I'm wrong none of the releasit products except punch are cri approved but they seem to work very well and most everyone likes them. On the other hand I see some encapsulation chemicals that are cri approved but very few people seem to like them. Is this politics or what?


Rick Gelinas

CRI Approval and Encap Products

March 23 2009, 11:28 PM 

There are no Encap products, approved as such, that have CRI approval. None! Zero!

It is not possible for an encap product to be CRI approved.

Why is that you may ask?

Plain and simple - the CRI does NOT have a program in place for testing shampoo type products (i.e. encap products).

The CRI tests 3 categories of detergents:
(1) Pre-sprays (2) In-tank detergents (3) Spotting products. Encap shampoos are not tested.

So if a so called encap product has CRI approval - it was tested under one of those 3 categories, NOT as an encap detergent.

Encap-Punch was tested as a pre-spray, and it received CRI approval. If we were to invest a couple thousand dollars for each of our other products (and had them tested as pre-sprays) they would pass too. However we don't see the merit of paying a couple thousand dollars per product for each individual certification. Encap-Punch is a killer product. It is designed to be used in one of the CRI tested categories (as a pre-spray). We feel that's sufficient.

Rick Gelinas


Rick Gelinas

Re: CRI Approval and Encap Products

March 23 2009, 11:28 PM 

This message has been edited by cimex on Mar 24, 2009 6:17 AM

Thomas Owens

Re: CRI Approval and Encap Products

March 23 2009, 11:42 PM 

Even the CRI approved equipment is a joke. Remember, they love the Rug Doctor! Gold level seal of approval!

I haven't had a single customer ask me about this yet. I'm not really sure who this seal of approval is supposed to help.


Re: CRI Approval and Encap Products

March 24 2009, 7:01 AM 

It was designed to help the consumer I would bet.

WE have recieved several referrals from CRI
We promote we are CRI certified provider, this has let us get into a few retailers that other wise might have been a bit more trying.


Re: CRI Approval and Encap Products

March 24 2009, 11:53 AM 

LOL!! Nice clip Rick.

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!

Paul C

Re: CRI Approval

March 24 2009, 11:23 AM 

Good for you Rick. I would rather see you put the money in product research than wasting it on some kind of certification.

My company is also CRI certified. We have more certfied badges than we know what to do with. I believe in training and having something that says we know what we're doing. But I do have reservations that some of what we are talking about is political B.S.

Greenseal charges about $10,ooo.00 per product to have them say your product is Green. I say thats a bunch of ****. Rick, correct me if I'm wrong. I just read in some publication that CRI just devorced itself from Greenseal. Hows that! By the way Greenseals credibility is starting to crack. Their methods of testing for Green is being questioned... Now the EPA (our goverment) also will do certification on a Green product. They charge ZERO...

Dave is correct. CRI is for consumer protection. I guess. Hey, most consumers don't even know who all these organizations are. If it was'nt for the given few carpet cleaners that educate them.

As business owners we have to do our own research and testing. I'm going to use Rick as a example. I wanted to get into encaping. I needed to find the best cleaning solution and process out their. I have seen Ricks ads and they state his product is the best. Well, what else is he going to say !! So what I did was come on this site read what carpet cleaners had to say about his product. I also took a look at his testamonial page.

Then I went to the big test. I looked at other boards to see what they were saying about Releasit. I went to Mikeys Board. They are brutal over their. Honestly brutal. I typed in Releasit in the search area. and out poured one post after another about how great Releasit is. Thats carpet cleaners (steam cleaners) talking about how and why Releasit is the best product for encaping.

Thats the point I'm making. Sometimes we need to take matters into our own hands when it comes to whats best for our business.

Paul C

Current Topic - CRI Approval
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS