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The chicken or the egg ?

March 24 2009 at 8:42 PM

I have a room that has a few dog urine stains and odor that I need to clean and was wondering what the experts oppinions are...

I have the following on-hand:
DS, Hydrox, Soileze, Odorcide, Deodorizer, USR, HOS Orbot, tuways, fiberplus pads.

Given that some cleaners work well with others and other don't, I want to make sure I get this done in the right order not to cause issues.

I was thinking of

1. spraying odorcide and working in with groomer.
2. applying USR to the yellow pee stains
3. use hydrox as cleaner and OP

Does this sound like the most logical/best way to go about this?
Also, what if I had to use my water claw?



Rick Gelinas

Re: The chicken or the egg ?

March 24 2009, 8:48 PM 

That sounds pretty good to me - it should work well. Are you planning to extract after applying the USR?

Rick Gelinas


Re: The chicken or the egg ?

March 24 2009, 9:03 PM 

Never used USR, but the Pro's Choise website states:

Thoroughly clean stained area first. Following cleaning, apply Urine Stain Remover full strength directly to urine stain. The time required for complete reaction to occur and for the stain to disappear will vary from 3 to 8 hours (depending on the temperature of the carpet). Repeat treatment if necessary.

Keep animals and children away from treated area until carpet is completely dry as skin irritation may occur. Keep this product tightly capped and store in a dark cool place to preserve.

Carpets will be dry before I leave. Though I am using low moisture, I do have a blower I use.

So I guess my answer is no to extracting.

This message has been edited by CloverC on Mar 24, 2009 9:05 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: The chicken or the egg ?

March 24 2009, 9:09 PM 

I've never used USR personally. I think I'd just go with HydrOx and Odorcide. That combination should handle the odor and the stain well. Mix the HydrOx strong with hot water and allow plenty of dwell time (it takes time for the oxygen-based reaction of the hydrogen peroxide to do its job).

Rick Gelinas


Re: The chicken or the egg ?

March 24 2009, 9:12 PM 

Thanks Rick!

I will go with your recommendation!


Re: The chicken or the egg ?

March 24 2009, 11:26 PM 

We've used the Encap-Hydrox in a high-rise condo with white carpeting with numerous pet stains. We pre-sprayed with the Hydrox, agitated with the Icapsol, and rinsed with Hydrox in our portable extractor. The stains disappeared, usually just seconds after spraying. The job turned out great, and the customer wants us to come every 6 months until the offending cat passes away, and she buys new carpet. Hope the cat hangs on for a few more cleanings... happy.gif

Kevin Kluth
Pinnacle Cleaning

This message has been edited by KevinKluth on Mar 24, 2009 11:27 PM

Current Topic - The chicken or the egg ?
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