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Postcards or letters?

March 26 2009 at 10:01 PM

You check your mail and start to sort as you normally do tossing the obvious "junk" in the trash can at your side. Flyers, ads, postcards, etc. Envelopes get their own special pile for a closer looksee.

Now, if you were a DM (decsion maker) or a receptionist (sorting mail for a DM) wouldn't you do the same as above?

The reason I ask is I have the CMS system, which will be used in my commercial marketing strategy, but instead of sending out postcards to business' I think I'd rather send them letters. Thinking that a letter would get noticed and with higher odds of being looked at than a postcard. I'd include a general letter and a flyer perhaps a business card as well.

The cost of mailing letters would be higher than a postcard, but the probability of it being seen by the DM would (I'd think) be higher.

What ya think?


Re: Postcards or letters?

March 27 2009, 5:00 AM 

There is a letter for that purpose in the CMS kit, when sendimh letters hand address the envelope. For return address I don't use a company name only address, again less chance of it being tossed before opening it.

I also suggest rather than stapling or paperclipping your (2) business cards to the letter put them loose in the envelope so at the least the customer may drop them from the envelope and have to pick them up and of course read them.



March 27 2009, 12:11 PM 


I like the loose business card idea... I'll give this a try and see what happens. Handing the letter could save some $ given the account isn't too far down the road.


Fred Gruber

Re: Agreed

March 28 2009, 7:25 AM 

We send a letter the first time to new prospects but send postcards for the next 1-2 months. We will call them every few months as well.

It may take quite a few attempts to get your message across or until the need for your services arise.

Current Topic - Postcards or letters?
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