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Bleeding with ds

April 9 2009 at 1:54 PM

I cleaned a microfiber sofa today and I tested with ds and found that it caused the red sofa to bleed. I used bridepoint upholstry product and got no bleeding. Has anyone had this problem with ds. I cleaned our microfiber sofa that is a tan color and go no bleeding.

Phil R

Re: Bleeding with ds

April 9 2009, 5:06 PM 

Can you describe your test?

I ask to clarify bleeding or crocking.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Bleeding with ds

April 9 2009, 5:11 PM 

The color red is more prone to bleed than any other color; that is always the case. However, Microfiber is polyester. And since it's a synthetic fiber it really shouldn't bleed. Add to that ---Encap-Clean DS, in dilution, is a fairly mild cleaner with a pH of about 8. So it's kind of puzzling to hear that this occurred. It leads me to conclude that it was a poorly manufactured fabric. Very strange.

Rick Gelinas

Al Taylor

Releaseit DS

April 9 2009, 7:22 PM 

To throw a slight curve. DS or Punch that has been sitting for two weeks diluted, what happens if I add a fresh diluted batch with it in effort not to waste the old?

Will the 2 wk. old weaken the fresh DS added to it causing some sort of crystalizing defect or loss of strenth.

Example: 1/gal. diluted DS left in Cimex (2wks. old)
Then add 4oz. of fresh DS. to clean 300s.f.

Or how about

Adding a fresh diluted 4oz./gal. DS to 2wk. old batch

Phil R

Re: Releaseit DS

April 9 2009, 9:22 PM 


if we do not clarify crock vs bleed then DS or gasoline...the discussion is moot.

I can get color to wipe off of any fabric. Using any 'cleaner'.

Migration with DS? Doubtful. Unless it is cotton or bad hair.

clarify the test.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Releaseit DS

April 9 2009, 9:39 PM 


You are right on the money, By adding newly mixed detergent to existing pre-mixed detergent - you will rejuvenate the older juice and achieve good results.

ANY DETERGENT will lose some of its potency, once it is mixed and exposed to air for a few days or longer. The natural degradation of the chemistry begins to occur. However adding some newly mixed solution to the old juice makes the product perform at nearly the same level as newly mixed solution would.

That's what we do with the old juice in the Cimex. We try to run the Cimex as close to empty as possible at the end of each job. But there's usually somewhere between a half gallon to a gallon and a half left over in the tank. So on the next job we'll add a few gallons of fresh Releasit to the tank - and it works as good as normal. They key here is to avoid having too much juice left over at the end of a job. Less than two gallons combined with a tankful of fresh solution works great.

Note: if you won't be using the machine within the next week or so, it's a good idea to go ahead and drain the tank and run some fresh water through the system to flush it out before you store the machine.

Rick Gelinas


Color test

April 10 2009, 2:07 AM 

Yes you are right this was a very cheap sofa set. I test under a non removable cushion. I put some new mixes ds on the fabric and pressed on the fabric to see if I would get any color transfer to my white terry cloth and I did. I was very surprised. I tried the same test with Bridgeport upholstery cleaner and got no color transfer. I was baffled. I used the ds on my micro fiber couches and everything was fine. I love using ds because I reduces the chance of wickbacks. I also used my drill with my 8 inch bonnets to help dry the sofa set faster. I cleaned up very well. I wish I would of took some pictures. It was a mess.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Color test

April 10 2009, 8:04 AM 

A designated "Upholstery Cleaner" like the one you used will typically have an acid pH. What we offer on the acid side is Encap-HydrOx which has a pH of 3.5. It is very effective on upholstery. Whenever you're cleaning a fiber that is likely to lose color, cleaning with an acidic cleaner will normally prevent it from bleeding.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Apr 10, 2009 8:06 AM

Al Taylor

Re: Color test

April 10 2009, 10:45 PM 

You mean such as wool fiber, Rick G?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Color test

April 12 2009, 5:10 PM 

Yes, wool would be a candidate for losing color.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Bleeding with ds
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS