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CMS Media Idea

April 10 2009 at 1:22 PM

Rick and all...

I have dabbled with multimedia (BS Degree shows) and coding/designing CD/DVD interfaces. With that said, I have an idea to create a DVD using the CMS system.

Create a DVD that auto starts when inserted in a DVD player/PC.

What ya think? Something worth pursuing or not?

One question would be is if you were a business DM and received a cover letter and a DVD in the mail asking you to view the short presentation to see how "We make carpet problems disappear...." would you check it out?

This could potentially make a company stand out!

Just a thought of the moment that I would consider depending...



Re: CMS Media Idea

April 10 2009, 3:43 PM 

We have done something similar to what you are proposing with out the CMS package.

As in anything timing is everything, follow up is extremely important, no machinery or chemical brands should be visable.


Rick Gelinas

Re: CMS Media Idea

April 10 2009, 5:43 PM 

I think that would be a cool idea.

Rick Gelinas

Mr. Amazing

CMS Media Idea

April 10 2009, 5:58 PM 

I'd buy it

Mr. Amazing

David Hebert

Re: CMS Media Idea

April 11 2009, 8:31 AM 

Go for it, any edge you give your self helps.

My wife and I belong to two different BNI Groups,our groups were the test subjects for a DVD we wanted to hand out to one of our target groups.This version showed few more service we provide.
After each time the DVD was showing our referrals went through the roof, it also help us establish a few good constant referral sources.

Current Topic - CMS Media Idea
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