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Micro fiber bonnets/ Orbot

April 14 2009 at 7:20 PM
David Hebert  

I know there have been a few issues with the Orbot and micro fiber bonnets so I thought I would give an update as to what my experience has been.

The Orbot has had a few bonnets not wanting to stay put(micro fiber ones) This is after using them for about six months. I have also noticed that my scrub bonnets are not sicking to the velcro driver as well, the difference being that these bonnets/ pads are thicker and heavier so they will not get tossed or do anything strange.

I can only surmise that the issue is the velcro pad driver has lost some of its holding power due to use, since I do use those thick BBC bonnets my bet is these pads contribute to the driver loosing its holding power.

WE are going to buy another velcro pad driver and try using one only for the microfiber bonnets and see how this works, but after the amount of use the driver has had, no complaints here.


Re: Micro fiber bonnets/ Orbot

April 14 2009, 8:23 PM 

I maintain my velcro by using a fine animal grooming brush looks like a sheading brush very fine tines not the kind with balls on the end. Anyway I when the pads start acting up I spend about 10 minutes brushing /turning the driver brushing again and again. Works well for me.

Another thing I have started to do after cleaning rat nasties or questinable healthy surroundings, I spray my velcro with LysolI transport my machines upright with thick pad under driver I spray that pad also. Figure it might help with MRSA or other type problems, can't hurt


Re: Micro fiber bonnets/ Orbot

April 15 2009, 9:20 AM 

Thanks I will try the brush

Current Topic - Micro fiber bonnets/ Orbot
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