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Question on Mikey's Board about commercial carpet cleaning

April 16 2009 at 9:14 PM

Rick Gelinas 

I copied and pasted this here so you guys can take a look at this too....

Post subject: Commercial mostly guys
Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 5:27 pm

Do you find you do more work in this area with a cimex, hos-orbit osillating, a crb machine, or your rottary. If you had to pick just two machines. Which two are the most valuable to the com. market. Also do you feel the hwe crowd(me) is missing the boat when it comes to commercial accounts. Do you down hwe to the commercial market. I am sick of the large payments to operate truckmounts. Would we not be better off sheering the sheep. Instead of skinning the sheep. What I mean is this, If you do not have large truckmount payments each month. Would it not be easier to make 35 dollars per hour doing commercial work. Then needing to make 100 per hour with these expensive trucks. I believe some of you commercial guys know what I mean. Put your cimex in a mini van and go. Thank You, Ron


Post subject: Re: Commercial mostly guys
Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:04 pm

$35 per hour with a Cimex??? You're joking right?

With a Cimex you can consistently clean in excess of 2,000 sq ft per hour (actually as high as 3,000 sq ft per hr).

But let's say you're slow. Let's say you only cleaned at 1,500 sq ft per hr. And let's say you only charged a measly rate of .08 per sq ft for the job. You would still gross $120 per hr at that rate (that's over 3 times greater than $35 per hr).

Now let's say that you're not a slow cleaner and that you average 2,500 sq ft per hr. And let's say you charged a more realistic (still lowish) price of .12 per sq ft. You would now generate $300 per hr.

And yes you are right - there are no truckmount payments. There are no truckmount repairs. There is no truckmount fuel cost. There's no truckmount overhead whatsoever.

There are also no wicking issues like you might get cleaning with HWE on a commercial glue down carpet. There are no recurring spill stains. Carpets now stay cleaner looking longer between cleanings too.

There are no doors left open (at night). There are no noisy truckmounts running in the parking lot. There's no concern of trying to accommodate long hose runs from the parking lot to possibly inaccessible areas of the building.

The encap process is simpler too. It's much easier to train techs to go out and clean for you and still produce consistently excellent results. This enables you to systematize your commercial cleaning operation to the point that you can stay at home at night with your family while your tech is out there happily making money for you.

And finally you can afford to profitably clean at a slightly lower rate, which will enable the building owner to afford more frequent cleanings. So it becomes a win-win for everyone. They get cleaner carpet all year round. And you make more profit with a simple idiot proof system that any average tech can handle.

Give me a call if I can answer any questions. I'll be in the office tomorrow afternoon 1-800-330-1888.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Apr 16, 2009 9:16 PM


Re: Question on Mikey's Board about commercial carpet cleaning

April 16 2009, 10:03 PM 

i don't dis HWE and tell all prospects that it has it's place, but i def tell all my clients my feelings, from personal experience, of the bene's of VLM on all carpet i clean.



April 16 2009, 10:07 PM 

That's weird. Do that many carpet cleaners not know? I hope so.

Mr. Amazing

Thomas Owens

Re: hmmmmmm...

April 17 2009, 4:04 PM 

What baffles me is how there are some guys who constantly bash the Cimex and Encap. Some people just don't know a good thing when they see it.


It's taken me a while.........................

April 17 2009, 5:11 PM 

To realise that one doesn't flog a dead horse.

IF a newbie asks me for advice I will tell him/her what I feel would benefit him/her most.

Without cutting my own throat.......... again. !!!!

If an experienced HWE operator in my area asks me about encapsulation, I tell them it has it's place, just as HWE does, but I don't preach the benefits of it all.

ANYMORE !!!!!!!!!

When it's an experienced operator that I have gotten to know that is a fair distance away from me, then I will help them as much as I can with Encapsulation and the Cimex.

IF a prospect ask me the difference and what I can do, I first explain a little bit, THEN do a decent demo for them.

After the demo, I tell them the rest of the story and answer truthfully any questions they have.

As a rule, my next task is to book the job in on a regular schedule.

Most times I try and help out my fellow man (& woman), but as I still have 16 years work ahead of me in this terrible economy, (another word for getting off my backside and getting more work), I have changed my ways once more.

Family still comes first. wink.gif



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif


It's taken me a while.........................

April 17 2009, 5:12 PM 

Oops, I double posted sad.gif


Shorty the embarrassed wun. wink.gif

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

PS ::::: WOMAN is actually a Greek word.

MAN as in the male gender of the species.

Then great WOE is added, albeit in the shorter version as WO.

Hence one gets the female gender of the species...... WOMAN. wink.gif

But this definitely does not apply to those great LADIES such as Nancy & Delia happy.gif

I'm outta here, it's Sat; morning and I got three nice comm; jobs to do today, which will more than equal three days hwe jobs. happy.gif

This message has been edited by Shortwun on Apr 17, 2009 5:18 PM

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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS