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Can I compete in residential??????

April 18 2009 at 8:48 AM

I need some opinions. I live in MI. do you guys think that I would have to have a TM to compete in the residential market? A lot of people I talk to say a portable takes too long to dry because it doesn't have the power of a TM and the job is going to take twice as long. Also I have been told a portable is much harder on your body. I was set on starting out with a portable HWE and an Orbot, now I'm thinking I need the TM and the Orbot. What do you think? The TM I'm looking at is the Prochem Blazer, about $13,000 installed with 100' hose, wand, 60 gallon belly tank, and hose reel.



Re: Can I compete in residential??????

April 18 2009, 9:03 AM 

It really does not matter what people think it matters what you thinks.

I can tell you that I heard the same thing years ago when I first found Boards. The funny thing is by then I was running portables and charge more then those who told me I could not do this. Many years later I purchased a TM are there some advantages YES and some disadvantages also.

Today we run portables again. Recoil HP III it stays in the truck more for the time is is used. Steamin Demon(my personal favorite) for residential cleaning as far as HWE. We also run the Orbot a CBM along with rotary machines.

Running the Orbot for agitation,and prespraying then extracting with the Demon is KILLER in the residential setting very few others are doing this I know in my area this holds true at least.

One last thing do not try to compete with others compete with your self, my company made this derision years ago and has paid off in the long haul.


Re: Can I compete in residential??????

April 18 2009, 10:12 AM 

Portables, good ones can compete, your fortunate to be in Michigan you can go to Ann Arbor and see a Recoil in person. Thats where they are made. I have the Recoil XPS and until I had that I had to move the portable all through the house. Now I can leave the unit in one room or foyer and run hose throughout the house, real time saver and back saver.


Re: Can I compete in residential??????

April 19 2009, 12:54 AM 

I have a Recoil III as well. I run it completly out the van boosted 25-50 ft away , I do run 150 ft runs with 2 hr dy times or 1 with my air movers.
I have a 175 as well but im so curius to the OP orbot and cimex as how they work. Im just so confused with the prespray ypu scrubb and leave sounds funny to me .

Geoff Dunlap

Re: Can I compete in residential??????

April 22 2009, 12:52 PM 

With the orbot you don't "scrub and leave". If cleaning only with the orbot in short your spray,let it dwell, scrub, let dry (air movers if possible) and vacuum thoroughly. Read the how it works on this site.


Mr. Amazing

Can I compete in residential??????

April 18 2009, 3:28 PM 

Dude, let me tell you this. Even though you are from MI and probably a Michigan fan, I'll forgive you. wink.gif

I use, and all I use, is a 175 rpm OP machine and cimex. I've been in business now for almost 2 years. It took me 10 mos before I could quit my full time job and do this full time. I'm buying a second truck next week. Business is great. I do mostly residential and the big commercial accounts I landed came from referrals from my resi cleaning because I'm so good. Not only do I compete with the big boys in town, I put them to shame. All it takes is some clever marketing, word of mouth, and rick's products.

My second truck is going to have CRB machine and an OP, thats it. I'm telling you, dont waste your money on a huge TM. You dont need it. If I ever get into flood restoration, I'll get one. Until then, VLM is the way to go.

They dont call me Mr. Amazing for nothing! Go Big Red!

Mr. Amazing

Joe M

I agree

April 18 2009, 5:24 PM 

I agree with Mr. Superman or Batman or what ever his name is. By the way he has a cool website, you need to check it out.

You can do a 100% low moisture set up and run circles around the other guys.

You market yourself the correct way, be honest and give good value and you will have a nice little business going. Less a TM.

Now, dont get me wrong, a TM is a good tool to have but it all comes down to service.


Steve R

I was told

April 19 2009, 9:23 AM 

When I first started I ran a portable with a rotovac. I was told by a local cleaner. " If I ever want to make it in the business I need to step up to the plate and buy a TM."
This of course is the same cleaner who now only runs a portable and an OP machine. Go figure.

No you dont need a TM to be very very succesful in this business.
Ask the owner of this board how many TM's he runs.

Current Topic - Can I compete in residential??????
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