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Getting in early for NEXT YEAR ;-)

April 22 2009 at 6:33 PM

I know that Connections will be held in Clearwater just next month.

But does anyone know the dates it will be held there NEXT YEAR ?????

Forward planning saves money happy.gif happy.gif happy.gif

Thanks & Ooroo,


I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif


Re: Getting in early for NEXT YEAR ;-)

April 24 2009, 9:54 AM 

I was told it is total waste of time...go to Vegas.

So far everybody who says the Florida event is any good only brings up the part about the beach....well I can see a beach from my office so dont really care about the ones in Florida LOL.


see you in Vegas happy.gif


Side benefits

April 24 2009, 5:25 PM 

I realise that The Florida show IS a much more technical show and has only a handful of exhibitors compared to Vegas.

I also THINK that this show would be aimed at more areas that I no longer work in such as wdr, mold, hvac, etc;

But I am also looking at the side benefits of the area.

I have always wanted to go to the Miami Keys.

I also love architectural photography, and Miami is full of old art deco buildings that you find nowhere else apart from Havana.

I could call in on one of me best mates just up the road in Atlanta, Ray (Rambo) Moody.

Could also finally get to the Big Apple and meet some more of Delia's rellies.

And see a "Skyscraper" happy.gif

Meet Dom and other Giants of that area.

Then there are all the brainiacs from the Southern States that know so much more than me about encap; that I would be able to pick their brains and learn a bit more.

As Ripley would say, Believe It Or Don't, but I get a kick out of meeting like minded people and chewing the fat over problems that exist in our industry.

So long as they are not too technical, I fail miserably there.

That can be a good "holiday" for me.

SORRY, the above line should read:::

That can be a good "business trip" for me.

I also really enjoy the after hours business wink.gif

And to top it off, most of this can be claimed from them thar Infernal Revenooers mob. wink.gif

Down under they're known as the ATO, (Australian Tax Office).

So for me, there is many more tangible reasons to go to Florida than just Connections.

Now if only you blokes over there would get off'n your Fannie May's and fix the economy so that the Aussies dollar is equal to yours and not 30 - 40 cents less, then we could have a much better time wink.gif

And buy more toys for my toy box. happy.gif



PS ::: I could also see NANCY & Rick, and Rick's new showroom/warehouse, and NANCY wink.gif happy.gif

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

Current Topic - Getting in early for NEXT YEAR ;-)
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