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Not Carpet But

April 25 2009 at 4:40 PM


Since it's slow thought some people in Hot places like down south would like some Cool pics:

It's 86 in Central upstate NY today but we found snow!


That water is cold even on a warm day.

Thanks Rick for getting my order out. Good fast service.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Not Carpet But

April 25 2009, 5:35 PM 

Thanks for sharing those pictures. It looks refreshing. The temperatures here in Florida have been pleasant so far - a lot of 70's and 80's with even a few cooler snaps thrown in. Overall it's been a nice start to spring. But we know the HOT weather is just around the corner.

Nancy and I will actually be up in New York next week. I'm going to be providing a carpet cleaning seminar for a large facility that uses our products. It will be nice to get a chance to take in some of that cool weather before the Florida summer clobbers us.

I'm glad to hear your order got there quick!!! happy.gif

Rick Gelinas



NY / Rick

April 25 2009, 5:52 PM 

What city are you going to? I know of a place in Albany that sells cimex's. Do you know Dick McGrath? At his place? Actually me & my wife would like to come back to Florida. Business in NY where we are is like banging your head into the wall all the time & it's not because of this economy. Always been like this. People need their beer.

Here are a couple of pics of a filthy welfare type of cleaning project. Your encap got it clean.

Before Cleaning

Before Cleaning

Before Cleaning

After Cleaning

After Cleaning


Rick Gelinas

Re: NY / Rick

April 25 2009, 6:14 PM 

No I don't know Dick McGrath. We'll be in Patterson and then down in the city. It's kind of a whirlwind trip, so unfortunately I won't have any extra time to stop and see anyone while we're up there.

Those are some nice pictures. Very impressive!

Keep up the good work.

Rick Gelinas




April 25 2009, 6:28 PM 

Putnam County is closer to NYC. We are about 300 miles north from the city. Dick McGrath is in the same area that Jeff Cross lives. We use to live in Deltona. Came back here 5 years ago. We still talk about coming back to Florida so maybe we will and if so will settle from Lakeland to Pinellas Park.
At least people in Florida care about cleaning their homes.

Current Topic - Not Carpet But
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