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Thomas Owens

April 28 2009 at 3:14 AM
Al Taylor 

Hey there T.O.,

how did that Cyclo ever work out for you? Whats the scoop on it? Convienient? Hassles? Effective? Whats up with it?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Thomas Owens

April 28 2009, 5:42 AM 

I would also like to know your thoughts on that tool. We are seriously considering adding these machines to our product line. They appear to be exceedingly well built and designed to work smoothly. But what I'd like is some real life feedback from the field. Is it as balanced and easy to work with as they indicate? Please let me know your thoughts on this unit. THANKS.

Rick Gelinas

Phil R

Have one

April 28 2009, 6:25 AM 

I have a cyclo that I bought in 2002-3. I had it when I detailed RV's. I had gotten out of that business and gave it to a friend who did body-work (paint etc) for cars at a local Ford dealership. He used it almost daily back then.

He got out of the entire body thing and just paints now. I asked him about it a few months ago and he didn't use it anymore and gave it back to me.

I use it very very often. I LOVE it on stairs and in corners or behind areas my vento won't reach.

I get bounced around the back of my truck for miles and miles.

wipe it off and it looks brand new.

Use it with DS on stairs and they 'pop'. The 'crystals' from the encap juice dry on the tips on the brush so I just 'tap' it when I pull it from the truck and they clean right off.

On upholstery, the tool exceeds well BUT for slinging juice everywhere.

It is a smooth machine BUT with any extended use, the hands will vibrate to the point of itching when done. It is not a silent machine nor does it give cause for alarm. It simply makes a non caustic sound wherein anyone within a few feet can hear it. On stairs, if you let it hit the side or frame, it will 'knock' rather loud.

It is not very heavy, I'd guess 10-15 pounds?

I used the machine for hours and daily for about three years when I detailed RV's and it was held in a vertical position while I waxed the exterior of the RV. I then moved inside and used it on the carpet/upholstery inside the vehicle. It has been dropped, stored, bounced, kicked, cussed, handed from the roof of an RV to the crew on the ground by the chord and even fell off the back once.

Works like a charm.

No tool box is complete IMO without one.

Edit: I also want to add that I live close to Eckler's, they sell mainly after-market gear for corvettes, chevy's etc. They H-I-G-H-L-Y suggest this tool and sell it.

I have the brushes on it and have long lost the 'pads' but am unsure how well the pads would work for 'pad-capping' but the brush is soft enough to use on carpet with care. However, if held in place tip bloom is an issue. Easily bypassed by insuring light pressure and rapid movement.

This message has been edited by clearlypro on Apr 28, 2009 6:35 AM

Thomas Owens

Re: Have one

April 28 2009, 4:20 PM 

Sorry, but I never did get a Cyclo. I ended up geting a Makita Polisher. I also got a single orbiter head tool, very similar to the Porter Cable oscillating polisher. So far I've used the Makita more. It works faster. The oscillating motion seemed to be less aggressive, which can be good and bad I guess.

To be honest, I haven't done a whole lot of upholstery, so my feedback may be limited to certain situations.

Current Topic - Thomas Owens
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