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I have a Steamin Demon for sale

April 30 2009 at 6:43 PM
Jeff B 

I have a Steamin Demon for sale. I have owned it for about 2 years and I've only used it a few times. I haven't run across the need for it enough to justify keeping it. It's in good condition with the exception that the white powder coating has started to come off the machine in certain areas. I called the company and they said it was out of the period where they would recoat it based on its serial number and age. I can't imagine that this is much of a factor as the machine is made of stainless steel anyway... I fitted a green glide to it when I purchased it from its original owner and it makes the machine infinitely more usable as you can go forwards as well as backwards during operation. I also made 2 aluminum side plates to prevent over spray during operation as the glide lifts the machine up a little bit. The front extraction window is cracked but does not leak vacuum to any extent that causes a noticeable difference in dry times. The red round thumb button is missing from the defoamer button but that is easily replaced.

The machine comes with an extra 50 feet of hose as you can see in the pictures. One particularly nice thing about the machine is that you can prespray with the prespray attachment and not have to fumble with an external sprayer.

Sorry that the pictures are kind of big..

Please see the full image gallery HERE

I'm asking $1400 plus shipping from the metro atlanta area. Please contact me through the forum and I'll call you if you provide your phone number.


Vic Landis

Re: I have a Steamin Demon for sale

May 3 2009, 12:23 PM 

I'm very interested.


Jeff B

It's now sold...

May 6 2009, 8:17 AM 

Thanks Vic!

Current Topic - I have a Steamin Demon for sale
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