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Bidding 600 chairs at local movie theater

April 30 2009 at 8:37 PM

Well, I went in hoping to get the carpets, but the owner 'cleans them himself'. I told him all the reasons why the Rug Doctor isn't good.

But anyways, he wants a quote to clean the 600 chairs.

1.)Hot water extract or DS with drill driver?

2.)Price? (he said hes paid $1.00 each in the past)

Thanks for your guidance!

Rich McDonald
BMS Cleaning



Bidding 600 chairs at local movie theater

April 30 2009, 8:54 PM 

Encap the seats @ at least $3 each or he might as well clean them too. Will he let you buy a movie ticket for $1 ?

Mr. Amazing

Bidding 600 chairs at local movie theater

April 30 2009, 10:08 PM 

dude, agree to $1 per chair and pay someone 10 per hour to clean it for you. that person should be able to bang out 30 -40 chairs per hour. ez money IMO.

Mr. Amazing


Ya gotta be jokin' right ?

April 30 2009, 11:14 PM 

A buck a chair ???

3 bucks a chair ???

I would go no lower than US$7 bucks a chair.

On that many chairs, I would much prefer to use my Cyclo polisher with DS than my Little Mak.

Once you use a Cyclo, you will appreciate the difference on large jobs.

Easy work my eye.

Okay if you're a young fit bloke, but you try cleaning chairs for several hours on end and see how your body reacts.

Have a team of 4 - 6 people, let's say six.

3 pre-spray, 3 clean.

You stagger them in 3 separate areas.

Say on team at the top, the next team a third of the way down, the final team another third of the way down.

This way they are not getting in each others way, and each team is working towards a clean section, except for the final team working to the end.

After one hour, to keep them semi fresh, they change places.

The pre-sprayer takes on the cleaning and the cleaner takes over the pre-spraying.

They will need plenty of liquids and also respirators for health concerns.

Remind the owner that it is a major tax deduction and is also good for IAQ to let you clean them.

If the owner does not want to meet this price, don't sweat it.

Let him spend countless hours of back breaking work only to end up with smelly, soggy seats.

That's my take anyhow.



PS ::: Don't forget to monitor the work that is being done to make sure it is up to scratch. wink.gif

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

Thomas Owens

Re: Ya gotta be jokin' right ?

May 1 2009, 5:00 AM 

For $1 a chair you can spray and run only.

Fred Gruber

Re: Ya gotta be jokin' right ?

May 1 2009, 6:17 AM 

The only way I would do them for less than $3.00 each is if they would agree to clean them every year and give me and my family lifetime movie passes.

We charge around $4.00 per chair at catering halls and country clubs.


Rick Gelinas

I'd pass on this one

May 1 2009, 9:51 AM 

Some people are NOT QUALIFIED to be your customer.

Like an old Steely Dan song put it...
"Throw back the little ones,
and pan fry the big ones,
Use tact poise and reason,
and gently squeeze them"

A few years ago there was a picture in our local newspaper of the manager of a small movie theater cleaning the carpet himself. It's actually a pretty cool antiquated theater that shows independent films. At any rate, here's the photo of this guy doing a stellar cleaning job himself.

This picture cracked me up!!!

[linked image]

Rick Gelinas


Re: I'd pass on this one

May 1 2009, 4:36 PM 

Thanks for the help.

I sorta laughed to myself when he said $1 a chair. Some people just give you the feeling that they are as cheap as can be, and he was screaming it.

I'm coming to find out that the little guys are the worst to work with, like you said Rick.

I had told him i'd give him a quote. So i'll quote him at $4 a chair. If he agrees then great. If not, some sucker can get the $1 a chair.

Thanks again!



I may have been

May 1 2009, 5:03 PM 

A tad high in my pricing.

Thinking what we pay for equipment and chemicals is a lot more than what you guys pay.

So yeah, local knowledge would have the price better than me.

But jeez, I still think $4 a chair is cheap. sad.gif



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif


I'm not a Believer!

May 1 2009, 9:28 PM 

1.00 a chair, customers lie. If I believed that, I would also believe Susan Boyle can't sing. Now I will get out of bed for cheap but not for free. $4 a chair is cheap.


old mans advice

May 2 2009, 9:27 PM 

I'm with rick i dont believe him, just the fact that he's cleaning his own carpet should tell you enough, old man once told me when I started "all business aint good business"


Re: Bidding 600 chairs at local movie theater

May 2 2009, 4:22 AM 

$2.25 a chair is what i do them here for...mind you that who i am taking them over from, totaly screwed them up, so they arent looking for "perfect"

At that rate i split it in 1/3 with 2 other guys after expenses, machine rental, chems, cost for me to go get machine etc....come out to about .60 a chair...

they prespray and then extract with a heated porty...they make roughly $25 an hr.

I dont do squat, body, back, hands cant handle it....I clean all the carpets there to...soon to be 2 other theaters as well.


Re: Bidding 600 chairs at local movie theater

May 2 2009, 9:01 AM 

I could do them for $2.00 a chair, get a sprayer and spray one row down at a time, take microfiber towels and scrub them down.

You can move at a good clip doing it this way, three people can be in and out quickly . Max time is 4 hours which still works out to $100 per man hour.



Re: Bidding 600 chairs at local movie theater

May 2 2009, 5:39 PM 

ewwww i couldnt just spray and wipe...they are nasty..

the water coming out of them was closer to a oil thickness...

Current Topic - Bidding 600 chairs at local movie theater
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