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gorilla marketing or prankster ( dont try this at home)

May 2 2009 at 9:39 PM

My folks always ask me what I did with the public relations degree I earned in college!!being the jokester that I am I did what some would term gorilla marketing.the local rug doctor distributor was a little perturb but I had to try it. Inside of each of his machines I place a flyer ( when your finish,if your carpets dont look good we'll give you one rooom of professional carpet cleaning for free call 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx) $750.00 dollars after 2 weeks ( hope none of you work for rug doctor).

David Hebert

Re: gorilla marketing or prankster ( dont try this at home)

May 3 2009, 11:23 AM 

I think that is fantastic marketing, now why not put something similar in a newspaper Ad, postcard or work with that Rug Doctor vendor. Give him a slice of the pie for letting you put info in those machines, then you both win

Joe M

What i would do

May 4 2009, 9:58 AM 

If I were the rug doc franchise owner and you did that to my machines I would have a complaint filed with the local police for vandalism of my machines and take you to court for damages.

After all they are private properity, just like mail boxes. You can not put anything in a mailbox.

I think there are many other ways to market yourself with out doing that.

Just my 2 cents.

j mathis

my 2 cents

May 4 2009, 10:50 PM 

Good thing your not the fracnchise owner, 1 As an individual with a degree in marketing (before I became a professional carpet cleaner let me help you because understanding the law is a basic rule in marketing).A theres no comparison to this and putting a flyer in a mailbox (thats a federal offense). Vandalism nope(thats defacing property at best its a misdemeanor being that I entered private property ( breaking and entering). All that said the rug doctor distibutor and I go back a long way we even have lunch together on occassion I just up him one ( oh yes helll get me back, ill update you later). as for marketing ourselves we're pretty good at it sales last year wereover 200k. But you got to have fun all work no play makes a dull carpet cleaner.


2 thums up

May 4 2009, 10:37 AM 

if they had a better product ,it would not have happened. that shows what a great product we have

Current Topic - gorilla marketing or prankster ( dont try this at home)
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