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First Orbot job

May 8 2009 at 9:21 AM
Joe Gilstrap 

First, if you don't count my own home. Did our quarterly cleaning of hospital last night. About 3,500 sq. ft. Loved it. Actually went a little faster than the Cimex, and that was with the 17 inch driver. Very smooth. The quality of the Orbot is well past any other OP on the market.

This is not really a negative, but I was hoping that I could lift it in and out of the Van. Too heavy. I have a nice ramp which solved that problem. Also, the wheels are sooo nice, they make it easy to maneuver and it goes up and down stairs easily.

The spray button made my thumb hurt after a while. Would rather have a squeeze trigger for the sprayer.

Am thinking about changing spray jets. I feel that the jets are too large, and dump way too much solution. Tried pulsing the spray, but that resulted in dry areas.

In conclusion, it's a keeper. The quality and smoothness make the Orbot a pleasure to work with. My complaints are minimal and should be easily resolved over time.

This message has been edited by joeg345 on May 8, 2009 9:24 AM


Re: First Orbot job

May 8 2009, 9:47 AM 

I would suggest to you that you use the red lever and adjust how much solution you want to dispense. I tried different jets and went back to what it came with.

We use Microfiber, or the thin lines and always keep it pegged on the wet pass with out any over wetting so far.

Glad you like the Orbot, we maybe getting a second one soon.


First Orbot Job

May 8 2009, 9:47 AM 

Thanks for the review Joe.

I have a couple of questions. How much does the Orbot weigh? Have you ever cleaned the hospital using another OP machine? If so how much time did you with the Orbot? How much faster was it with compared to the Cimex? Thanks.


Re: First Orbot Job

May 8 2009, 12:07 PM 

Joe- what pads did you use, what chem and what dilution rate?


Re: First Orbot Job

May 8 2009, 12:08 PM 

Joe- what pads did you use, what chem and what dilution rate?

Joe Gilstrap

Re: First Orbot Job

May 8 2009, 7:49 PM 

Used Gladiator pads. Releasit Basic @ 8oz per gal.

I haven't thought of using the red flow valve to cut solution rate. That may be my answer.

As far as speed goes, the Orbot and Cimex seem to be pretty close. I have always used the Cimex on the hospital account. 3,500 sq ft always takes about 2 hrs and 10 minutes, which includes pre-vac. Last night we were done in 2hrs. One vacuuming and one cleaning.

I should also mention that I had the 17inch driver on the Orbot. The larger driver would be even faster on commercial.

The Orbot weighs about 85 lbs, but it feels about as heavy as the Cimex when I lift it. I can lift the Orbot, but it is definitely a strain that I wouldn't want to do on a daily basis. I consider myself my most valuable piece of equipment, so I don't want to break me. The ramp I have is not a problem. It is a folding dog ramp. Works great and takes up little space.

Current Topic - First Orbot job
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS