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Orbot update

May 12 2009 at 9:28 AM
Joe Gilstrap 

Cleaned carpet at a hotel yesterday. I love it more now than I did before. Tried David's suggestion of lowering the flow rate with the red lever. Worked like a charm. Now no need for new jets.

One of my concerns about purchasing the Orbot was that it was too smooth to clean well. I have read on other forums about that concern. Well that is not a problem. With the 1 horse motor pushing the pad in the carpet, it cleaned great. The pads were absolutely loaded with soil.

If I had to pick a favorite aspect of the Orbot, I guess it would be the handle adjustment. You have so many height options, and where ever you decide to set it there is no play in the handle. I have been using a 15 inch Easy Glide for the past year. A good machine, but it's short fall is in the handle adjustment. Very sloppy, and limited on height selections.

I was able to move the Orbot around with ease in those small hotel rooms.
Went up stairs with no problem.

I said the other day that my thumb hurt pretty bad from using the spray button. Well yesterday, I found out that I could set the handle one click higher and it was easy to use my thumb or finger to spray. Problem solved.

In conclusion, there are some good OP machines on the market. I have owned most of them. But the Orbot is the only "GREAT" OP out there, in my opinion.

Current Topic - Orbot update
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