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Beyond wow!

May 17 2009 at 10:41 AM

I cleaned a small home for a lady on Friday afternoon, a living room, dining room, small sun room and a hall. her parents are coming to live with her and her mother has respiratory problems and she wanted the carpets as clean as possible before they moved in.

She has pets, and had three sons living in the home so you can imagine the traffic lane on a very light beige carpet.She had thing to do and left me to clean saying as she left I don't expect a miracle, just do the best you can(I love it when a customer says that)

So I start to cleaning Pre vac, Hit the traffic lane with a heavy solution of Punch and DS, and pre scrubbed those areas with the Tuway pads then(and I know Rick say not to mix HyDrox with his other solutions)I pre sprayed the entire carpet with Hydrox and pre scrudded with with the Tuways and extracted with Glad Pads, CRB'ed to groom and lift out the pet hair, and post vacuumed.

As I'm just putting in the last of the equipment in the truck the customer returns and ask how it went? I told her to pop her head in the door and take a look, and that I'd be right in with the invoice. As i head for the door I see her just standing there kind of frozen in place and I wondering if everything is ok. I say to her Ginger I'm used to hearing Wow from my customers, Is everything allright? She turns to we with her mouth wide open and I swear she has a tear in her eye, and says I'm speechless, it's beautiful!

This is the system that I've been using for the last six months and the wow factor has been incredable, and my customers are scheduling cleanings six months in advance, and most are on the phone referring me to there friends before I'm even done with the job.

Thank you Rick for bringing out the Hydrox it's made a world of differance in my residential cleaning!

Brad Whiteman
EcoDry Carpet Cleaning


Rick Gelinas

Re: Beyond wow!

May 18 2009, 10:27 AM 

Sounds like you hit the ball out of the park with that customer. Way to go!

We love hearing the comments about how Encap-HydrOx is performing for folks. We've been receiving some nice feedback about the product. And naturally, it makes us happy to hear that the product is performing as well in the field as we hoped it would. We had a fellow in our trade show booth at Connections who was going on and on about how much he LOVES using Encap-HydrOx for all his residential work now. So thank you Brad for sharing your thoughts too. happy.gif

Keep up the good work!

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Beyond wow!
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