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We Now Carry PIONEER ECLIPSE Floor Care Products

June 11 2009 at 4:50 PM

Rick Gelinas 

I am SUPER HAPPY to announce that Excellent Supply has taken on the the Pioneer Eclipse line of UHS "ultra high speed" floor care products!!!

Pioneer was the company that invented UHS floor care way back in the early 1980's. The company's founder, Bill Wilson, was in the cleaning business, buffing floors at night and figured there had to be a faster way to buff the floors. So he fitted a lawnmower engine to a buffer and converted to propane. And from those humble beginnings the UHS floor care industry was born.

Nearly 30 years later, Pioneer Eclipse is still considered to be the MacDaddy of UHS floor care. Their floor finishes are outstanding! And their propane buffers are state of the art quality machines with excellent balance for optimum buffing.

Back in the day, when our cleaning company serviced LOTS of VCT flooring, Pioneer was my all time favorite floor care products manufacturer. Well their products have continued to be refined through the decades, and they still rock!!! That's why I consider it an honor to be able to be representing their line. Pioneer is simply the best that money can buy.

Of course, as a Pioneer Eclipse distributor, we can provide you with any of their products (at great prices), however we have brought into our inventory their most popular products at this time. Their top products are now on our website...

If you need any other Pioneer Eclipse products we can get them for you too. Here's a link to their website...

If you guys are servicing commercial accounts, the need for also providing floor care frequently arises. And when it does, we can now provide you with superior products to get the job done right. It doesn't get any better than Pioneer!

Rick Gelinas

Aaron Baum


June 11 2009, 8:58 PM 

Hi Rick,

GREAT choice of Pioneer Eclipse!! We LOVE their DayStar finish, PrimeStar Sealer and Neutral Cleaner!! We always get the WOW from clients when we use the Daystar Finish!! LOVE IT!!!! We also have their Speedstar propane burnisher which is great!!

Current Topic - We Now Carry PIONEER ECLIPSE Floor Care Products
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