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This ever happened to any of you?

June 14 2009 at 4:01 PM
Joe Gilstrap 

I had some Soileze protector mixed up in a pump up sprayer. This particular batch had sat there mixed for about 3 weeks. I used it the other day in a residence and the odor was horrible. I have used a lot of Soileze and this has never happened.

Sat mixed too long in a hot van? What do you think?


Rick Gelinas

Re: This ever happened to any of you?

June 15 2009, 4:05 PM 

Diluted chemicals, over an extended period of time,
plus heat, is a recipe for spoiled chems.

The temperatures here in Florida are brutal right now (as you know Joe). Just saw the car thermometer said 97 YIKES! If the ambient temp is 97, can you imagine how hot the back of a parked van can get? BTW What's it gonna be in July and August?

At any rate, heat can foul up any chemicals. Fluoro-chemicals, as wel as peroxide based products, are especially sensitive to being cooked. So try not to leave mixed chems in a HOT vehicle if you can help it.

The guys up north have to worry about their stuff freezing all winter long. I guess this is payback time for the Florida boys when our juice starts getting cooked in the summer. wink.gif

Rick Gelinas



June 15 2009, 5:09 PM 

Poor you.......
Dave in Phoenix

"They say that it was so hot in the city today, grown men were walking up to cops on street corners begging them to shoot." - Ricky Roma (Al Pacino), Glengarry Glen Ross


Re: This ever happened to any of you?

June 15 2009, 7:34 PM 


What did you mix the Soileze with? I thought it came RTU?

Kevin Kluth
Pinnacle Cleaning
Cleaning carpets and rugs in the Rochester, NY area since 1980


Not exactly, but very similar

June 16 2009, 2:15 AM 

I've never had a problem with any of Excellent-Supply products going off in the heat.

Mind you, mixed batches don't last long.

I mean they don't last long in my van, they get used pretty quick.

Most notable of other products from memory include the old 3M Scotchgard FX3860

I still have the old manual dated 31st December 1996, which states that the diluted mix is stable for six months provided the solution is kept in a container with lid securely in place.

It did not give a thaw/freeze stable indication nor any heat related incidents.

I could never carry the product in my van unless I was going to a job.
, then it would be used, and returned to my cool room at home.

I imagine my climate is very similar to Florida's even though we are thousands of miles apart,

Being up top down under, would also make a difference in that the drum would always be upside down in comparison to you Floridians wink.gif

Whatever, we are now heading into winter where very soon we will be getting down to 50f, which is to dang cold for this young bloke.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

This message has been edited by Shortwun on Jun 16, 2009 2:23 AM

Joe Gilstrap

Re: Not exactly, but very similar

June 16 2009, 6:07 PM 

I didn't mix it with anything. Don't even know why I said I did. Been too busy to think straight. But anyway, it did go bad sitting in my pump up sprayer. A very foul odor.

Current Topic - This ever happened to any of you?
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