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What's better for food drips?

June 16 2009 at 12:07 AM
Thomas Owens 

I clean a hallway that leads to a recreational deck and people drip sauces/gravy on it all of the time. What would be better to use on these drips, DS or Hydrox? Both clean up well initially, but I"m more worried about the wicking.


This message has been edited by johnsmith808 on Jun 16, 2009 12:09 AM


Re: What's better for food drips?

June 16 2009, 5:45 AM 

Wicking is caused mainly from overwetting, if either DS or Hydrox remove the stain you should be okay either way. You could also mix a heavier solution to reduce the chance of wicking, however you should be safe with normal solution ratio.


Rick Gelinas

Re: What's better for food drips?

June 16 2009, 4:53 PM 


Either product will work just fine.

DS should do the trick. It can tackle the soil. And if it's a decent sized spill, remember to use the trick for spill stains, so you can eliminate the possibility for a recurring spill stain...

Take care bro!

Rick Gelinas

Thomas Owens

Re: What's better for food drips?

June 17 2009, 1:53 PM 

Thanks guys.

I just had a couple long (100 feet) spills that I used DS on and some of it came back. I did Rick's spill stain trick and that did the job. Was just wondering if Hydrox would be more effective than DS WITHOUT doing the spill stain trick.


Rick Gelinas

Re: What's better for food drips?

June 17 2009, 2:07 PM 


You're gonna be best served using the spill stain trick, regardless of which product you're using.

Here's why it works so well:
(1) You're scrubbing with a massive amount of agitation with MINIMAL moisture, and (2) the high concentration of polymer and fluoro-chemical will address any possible residue that may still be at the backing and prevent further wicking from occurring.

If this process is done properly, there's really no chance of a spill stain ever coming back again.

Rick Gelinas

Thomas Owens

Re: What's better for food drips?

June 18 2009, 3:09 PM 

Thanks Rick!

Current Topic - What's better for food drips?
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