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Help!!! Serious Wicking In College Dorms

June 24 2009 at 5:18 AM

Carpet is commercial/low pile and is a darker purple color. There were numerous spots to begin with. Had 2 crews going, 1st crew pre-sprayed/scrubbed with a GLS. A powder pre-spray 2112 boosted with a citra solv. Have used this product many times doing apartments with great results.
Then extracted with steamin demon. I also had my TM going at the other end of the building (2 floors 24 dorm rooms total), set around 450psi. Pre-sprayed with hydroforce, then extracted. No detergent rinse, just water. Carpet seemed to clean right up. A few days later, WOW! Massive wicking of spots. Never seen wicking this bad before. Some areas looked like there was also a white residue.

Should also state that I cleaned these same dorms about 4 years ago using GLS/SD combo with great results. Used Tsunami back then, but carpet is much worse looking this time around, so I brought the apartment grade pre-spray. Manager claims he has been using his own crew every summer. Now I know why he has called me in for help. Yikes!

Any advice would certainly be appreciated. Supposed to be back in there this Friday to continue.


Re: Help!!! Serious Wicking In College Dorms

June 24 2009, 5:37 AM 

Wicking as you know is due to overwetting, couple suggestions,go back and check PH in carpet to see where your starting point now is with PH and rinse with a rinsing additive to bring into order. Or use Release It Ds or Punch and Cimex, Punch could also be used with your HWE system with excellent results, my point being an encapsulant will eliminate wicking when used properly.


Rick Gelinas

Encap will solve your problem!

June 24 2009, 6:50 AM 

I think CGD (Commercial Glue Down) carpet should not even be called "carpet" wink.gif
It deserves a different category than "carpet", since it wears and cleans so differently than traditional residential carpet. It's a different animal altogether.

CGD is flat. It is made of densely compacted tufts of fiber. It is glued directly to the floor. [Practically zero air flow.] And it is often olefin (which is an oil loving, water resistant, fast wicking fiber). When you're cleaning CGD with HWE, you're essentially creating a puddle on the floor level beneath the fiber. And then you're attempting to suck up the puddle that's down at the floor level with your carpet wand. This is invariably going to cause a wicking problem.

Residential carpet has longer, fluffier pile. It's normally installed over a squishy pad. [Tremendous air flow.] And it is often nylon (which is a more absorbent slower wicking fiber). When you're cleaning residential carpet with HWE, the water gets caught in a venturi loop; as fast as it's being sprayed it's getting sucked up the wand. Residential carpet can be cleaned all day long using HWE with great results.

A heavily soiled CGD carpet will always cause a wicking problem, cleaning with HWE. Always. Hot water extraction is great for residential carpet. It will produce limited success in a commercial environment.

For the first 20+ years I beat my head against this very same wall, as I cleaned commercial carpets for a living. I would produce spectacular results, only to get a call a couple of days later that the carpet looked horrible again. I tried everything. But the results on CGD were always inconsistent. I was frustrated, thinking to myself, this is no way to run a business!

That is why I kept searching for a better alternative. And that's how I came to discover encapsulation.

If you will go back and re-clean those same carpets, using the shampoo method, Releasit Encap-Clean WILL solve your problems 100%. I promise you will not have a problem on these CGD carpets with Releasit. You'll have sweet success - guaranteed!

Now regarding your spill stain problem...

Here's a copy of the SPILL STAIN REMEDY:

If you follow the directions to the letter it WILL work. There are no exceptions, a typical drink spill can be removed and it will never return. Recurring spill stains can be completely eliminated if you'll carefully follow each step of the following instructions EXACTLY as they are written...>

And if you're having a problem with recurring spots, then there has to be a problem with the way you followed the steps. I'm sure you did a good job. But you had to have missed something, because this process works flawlessly.

Make sure you're following these steps TO THE LETTER, and your spots WILL NOT return. How can I be so certain of this? It's because we have cleaned millions upon millions of square feet (miles) of carpet and have treated an unimaginable number of spill stains with this technique --- and it works.

TAKE YOUR TIME. And follow these steps carefully...

1. When approaching a spill stain, isolate the stain and thoroughly scrub the carpet surrounding the stain with the encapsulation detergent, leaving the stain untouched. DON'T SCRUB THE SPOT - LEAVE IT DRY.

2. Next, aggressively scrub dry passes over the spot. Criss-cross the scrubber back and forth over the stain and continue to scrub continuously for a full minute or two.

We don't want to get the area wet with any additional detergent. This way, the spot is being aggressively cleaned with minimal moisture.

This is not a totally dry scrub; moisture is captured from the surrounding area and is drawn across the spot as the scrubber criss-crosses back and forth over the stain. However, the moisture is being kept to an absolute minimum.

By scrubbing for a full minute or two, the spill stain is receiving an extremely thorough scrubbing.

3. Prepare a spray bottle of a good crystallizing encapsulation detergent (Releasit Encap-Clean). Mix the spray bottle of Releasit 50/50 with water and detergent. This is an exceptionally effective spill stain remedy.

After scrubbing the spot thoroughly as described above, spray the spot with a few squirts of the encapsulation 50/50 spill stain mixture.

4. The final step is to make one final quick dry pass over the treated spot with the scrubber to work the concentrated encapsulator down into the fiber. Now the spot won't return!

This trick for eliminating recurring spill stains transformed our carpet cleaning business. It enabled us to sell "Spot Free" cleaning to our commercial clients. Our carpet cleaning customers LOVE it, since nobody has ever been able to remove them as effectively before. The only time we have a problem is when one of our technicians cuts corners and spends less time than they he should have. If they don't spend at least a full minute or two DRY scrubbing each individual spot first - the process is not gonna work.

These steps WILL work for you, providing that they are followed very carefully. In your case, I'd suggest going back and really take plenty of time on each spot, I'm 100% certain that you can eliminate them, because everybody is successful with this procedure for removing recurring spill stains.

Wishing you success!

Rick Gelinas


Rick Gelinas

HWE on a dirty CGD is like...

June 24 2009, 8:03 AM 

Rick Gelinas

Mr. Amazing

HWE on a dirty CGD is like...

June 24 2009, 9:22 AM 

I dont even know what to say. Had me laughing out loud. Good one Rick. Priceless.

Mr. Amazing


Yep it works!

June 25 2009, 2:06 AM 

Performed these steps on 6 spots (oil?) tonight and presto! I'll let you know if they come back, thank you Rick!


Spot Detail

June 25 2009, 4:58 AM 

Thanks guys for your advice. Rick, love your detailed post- I will give your 4-step process a shot. Don't have a cimex, but I'll be on the gls and another on the roary w/shampoo brush. I've got some crystal dry so that'll have to do. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Thanks again!


follow up

July 2 2009, 6:19 PM 

Gone, gone,........and oh did I mention gone?

Current Topic - Help!!! Serious Wicking In College Dorms
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS