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Any idea of percentage figures as to how many homes in the US get their carpets cleaned ?

July 4 2009 at 2:38 PM
Paul (in the UK )  

Its been estimated over here in the UK that less than 20% of the population consider getting their carpets steam cleaned.

It seems to be much more 'the norm' over in the states and I wondered if anyone has any ideas why this is ?

Some cleaners think that 30 years ago the CC industry over here got a bad reputation from cowboys using poor methods, over wetting, over charging, shrinking etc...and that reputation has stuck through the years.

Even when a UK customer does get their carpet cleaned its very rare to get them to have a 12 - 18 month repeat clean, most call when they are looking visibly very dirty or some kind of spillage has taken place.

As part of an advertising campaign to re educate the Uk housewives on the benefits of getting their carpets professionally steam cleaned, I was hoping to get some percentage figures from the US as to how many homes use a professional CC service.

Thanks for your help in advance

Cleantec UK



the physic of percentages

July 4 2009, 9:57 PM 

Hi Paul, Yes a very interesting topic to understand why some home owners choose to clean regularly of their own accord, while others you have to virtually beat over the head with the proverbial stick (or your wand) for them to wake and take notice.
If this wasn't our problem, then we'd all have more customers than we could service, and Rick would have many sea-going tankers sailing our shipping lanes!
So why are the percentages so low? Why does traditionally 80% of our work come from 20% of our population?
It goes much deeper than we really think. As business owners we spend lots of time worrying how to convert the other 80%. That's fine. Nurture your 20% & test, test, test with the remaining 80%. Is it because as you say they've had a bad carpet cleaning experience? maybe but maybe not. Have the 80% missed our vital information regarding the longevity of their valuable soft coverings & the benefits to their health? Again maybe.
As I said I believe it goes way deeper into the consumer's physic.
Take a look at some of your clients that you have a good repour with. They are probably fairly organised people; have stable employment and; generally have busy lifestyles.
Looking deeper into their lifestyles at arms length (without looking like you're a stalker); a constant pattern emerges that they are all 'goal setters'. From brushing their teeth everyday to making their cars stay roadworthy, to getting things done on a daily basis; these customers are 'goal setters'.
And you'll traditionally find that taking care of their home and family's health is also subliminally on their goal setting list.

So Paul, keep an eye out for those in your community that seem to being goal setting as part of their daily routine. Life's to short to stress out with the 80%. Here's a great piece of relevant copy regarding the physic on goal setting.

I'm sure after you read this story; you'll be enlightened.
I'm fortunate to have been part of this guys' 20% for the past 15 years!


Revolutionary Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning

This message has been edited by truebluestu on Jul 5, 2009 11:49 PM



July 5 2009, 10:15 AM 

That was a GREAT read. Good job. You hit the nail on the head.

Current Topic - Any idea of percentage figures as to how many homes in the US get their carpets cleaned ?
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