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Cimex Improvments

July 23 2009 at 6:07 PM

Has anyone made any good improvements to their Cimex? We developed a cool 10" wheel kit with a stainless steel axle to make it easier to take up stairs but I was looking to make a few other items to improve it further. I was thinking maybe something to stop the bumper shield from bending will be my next project.


I have

July 23 2009, 10:40 PM 

The Big Yellas sent down under do not have the on/off switch like you have over there.

Instead we have an identical lever placed on the opposite side of the solution release lever.

We must hold this on for as long as we want the Big Yella to run.

I have semi disconnected the lever and mounted an on/off switch.

To reverse the polarity of the motor, I stop Big Yella, click the old lever and re-start.

I have also replaced my wheels.

I do a lot of lift lobbies, so I cut the fifty foot cable to a short length which I then use extension leads.

Pretty stupid having fifty foot of cable laying on the carpet when a fifteen foot lead does the trick. wink.gif

In four years, I have yet to see my bumper shield (?) bend..

Other things to be done soon:

Paint the blue revolving disc to white so that it matches 97% of all walls and skirtings that I come across.

White paint rubbed off onto the wall or skirting will be less visible than blue paint. happy.gif

Place a three way tap under the existing solution tap so that I may empty the solution tank at any time, anywhere, in any position, without having to lay the base plate flat, remove tube from barb, remove from two cable ties, proceed to empty, then re-assemble.

I also have had a plate made up, of which I am not happy.

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

The new one shall be larger and have bigger, round receptacles at the rear to hold a couple of trigger sprayers.

The front will have my biz; name & number in company colors.

I also envisage a hinged cover to stop excess solution spilling out when loading Big Yella or coming down stairs.

Food for thought from a mug down under. wink.gif


I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

This message has been edited by Shortwun on Jul 23, 2009 10:43 PM
This message has been edited by Shortwun on Jul 23, 2009 10:42 PM

Al Taylor


July 24 2009, 3:37 AM 

SHORTY thats great! I've been thinking how should I cover my front side of tank and put my company logo. But I just have one question. If its not tacted at the bottom how is it stable? Is it flapping making noise? Looks good though. Will look great with your company logo. Post photos.


Snug as a bug in a rug ;-)

July 24 2009, 6:06 AM 

Al, check out the second pic.

See how snug it fits on the tank.

That one is very light gauge aluminum, the next one being heavier should sit even better.

I can't see why it should flop around, gravity dynamics should hold it against the solution tank fairly good.

I don't travel at mach 4 down the corridors. happy.gif

Otherwise I might even resort to a bit of velcro behind the plate. wink.gif

I like to modify my toys. happy.gif


I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif


Re: Snug as a bug in a rug ;-)

July 24 2009, 9:26 AM 

Awesome Shorty, those are well thought out modifications!


Re: I have

July 24 2009, 9:44 AM 

You have one of the best maintained machines I have ever scene. Most of the time techs will let the head flip up real fast and bend the Bumper shield where the hinge is. When this happens it will make the pads ware really fast and the machine will rock from side to side while operating.


Re: I have

July 24 2009, 7:27 PM 

Shorty instead of getting carriers made up to carry your spotting bottles,go to a bike store and buy the drink bottle holders they use on racing bikes.


This message has been edited by phil_humphrys on Jul 24, 2009 7:28 PM


Good idea

July 25 2009, 8:46 AM 

Good idea Phil, & thanks for the phone call also.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif



July 25 2009, 9:31 AM 

Hi Drew,

an idea i had is some type of lid to cover the sol tank for 2 reasons:

1) for those who fill their tank high alot (i only fill mine with 3 gallons tops anymore, to keep my Sod Perc fresh)

2) to keep any smells / vapors in the tank (S.P. smell is annoying...or when i boost with Ammonia)

the lid cant be completely air-tight if one is using S.P.

Bill Martins


July 26 2009, 12:50 AM 

Those are good ideas. How about having a local shop custom fab a perforated lid like the ones that come in baby powder bottles? Those bottles are a twist cap, but i've seen the ones where there is a tab on flat surface lid, you push the tab with your fingers and the perforated holes open. This could be useful for HP and SP chems that need ventilation and for techs/nearby people who dont like the smell of chems, open/close.

[linked image]

I'd like to see the cimex in different colors, would a primer and paint adhere well to that type of plastic? Would be nice to have a custom debadged mex w/ custom company logos.

Last but not least, LED headlamps that can go around the pad driver plate head. This could be useful when cleaning under desks and corners which have very low visibility, i'm sure we all have ran into this, i know i have. I've used one of these in the past(but on my forehead), and they are adjustable as far as the light angle and very bright. Only need to turn it on when needed, batteries on those things last a long time if not used for hours straight. I might start using one with my OP, reminds me of the walmart vacs w/ lights on the bar front, i prefer those led lamps though.

[linked image]

Now if ya wanna really get high about attaching a touch screen laptop with a swivel mechanism that lets you lift up or down or to its sides, this way you can see the complete floor plan of facility at your fingertips and make any notations/mark off areas that you've cleaned...go on while "cruisin", if you have a smartphone.

[linked image]

Just a thought.


This message has been edited by bmartins on Jul 26, 2009 1:02 AM

Al Taylor

Re: Lids

July 26 2009, 1:03 AM 

I like the baby powder idea.

Current Topic - Cimex Improvments
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS