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Rubber Bushing problem (Cimex)

July 26 2009 at 11:42 PM

Machine: Cimex

Both of the rubber bushings at the pivot points came out. Was there some type of glue used to secure the bushings into place? I ask this question because we hammered them back into place, which was quite a chore, only to have both of them pop back out a few days after.


Matthew Rowzee
C&S Janitorial


Re: Rubber Bushing problem (Cimex)

July 27 2009, 5:35 AM 

Had that happen to me also, I also repaired the same but had replacement sent out next day air, really no way of reinstalling correctly that I could see to make last.


Re: Rubber Bushing problem (Cimex)

July 27 2009, 9:59 AM 

The best questions is why did it happen. The most likely reason is the Bumper shield on your machine is bent! I bet right where the arm holds the head it is bent from flipping up really fast. Also it will rock from side to side while operating, this will make your pads ware out faster! You will need to order a new set and straighten out the bumper shield or replace it. We had a customer go through 3 sets of clayfax bearings and we had to send their machine back to Cimex to figure this out!


Whats the fix

July 28 2009, 4:16 AM 

Ok Drew, there is a weakness in the cimex, whats the fix? please come up with something for us. Thank You, Ron

This message has been edited by rpantelas on Jul 28, 2009 4:18 AM

Current Topic - Rubber Bushing problem (Cimex)
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS