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what did we do wrong?

July 26 2009 at 11:42 PM

1100 square feet of commercial carpet. (not glue down)
carpet not in very good shape.
stains are mostly coffee and other food stuff.

Gave it a very good vac.
Cimex with Hydrox mixed at max.
HWE with Hydrox mixed at max.

within 2 weeks all stains wick back.

This message has been edited by cosway on Jul 26, 2009 11:43 PM

Joe Gilstrap

Re: what did we do wrong?

July 27 2009, 12:24 AM 

You said the carpet was in bad shape. No telling what was under it. If not glued down, did it have a pad? If it did, then that's even more potential trouble. My opinion is that you should have stuck with low moisture cleaning and probably left the HWE alone.

If you are going back for a re-do, then stick with the Mex only. Just my opinion. Also follow Rick's procedure for cleaning spills. Works great.


Re: what did we do wrong?

July 27 2009, 5:40 AM 

As you know wicking is called from to much moisture. I have Cimexed a chain of coffee houses on campus, some glue down some not. I clean the same way Cimex-6oz Releaseit DS/gallon very hot water-if very bad shape pre spray with Punch.

Also you should be getting 200-300 SF coverage per gallon as rule of thumb. I agree with Joe, go back and Cimex only.

Thomas Owens

Re: what did we do wrong?

July 27 2009, 4:10 PM 

It might be a good idea when doing dirty places for the first time to let them know that wicking could very well take place and that you will return to take care of those areas. That way they won't be surprised and they will see that you know what your are talking about.


Re: what did we do wrong?

July 27 2009, 4:43 PM 

You already stated that it was not glue down so that would indicate that it was stretched in over a pad. Anytime you have a hot spill such as Urine or coffee, the heat is going to break down the surface tension of the carpet and liquid so it will quickly penetrate the carpet and quickly saturate the pad and floor below. So unless you are going to be flushing those areas out by reflooding the area with hot moisture and water clawing out all the soiling contaminate. (And you would have to charge alot more for this with HWE.)

So either take the time to remove all of the staining, potential wicking material or stick with low moisture to prevent from re wetting that material and bringing it to the surface like you have been told here.


Rick Gelinas

Re: what did we do wrong?

July 27 2009, 7:24 PM 

Your third step was the problem!!!

You have a problem commercial carpet with lots of spil stains and you performed HWE on it. That's a recipe for recurring spill stains - guaranteed. Stick with encap-only using Releasit and your Cimex from now on when you're dealing with carpets like this, and you'll be in good shape happy.gif

Now how to fix the problem...

Here's a copy of the SPILL STAIN REMEDY:

If you follow the directions to the letter it WILL work. There are no exceptions, a typical drink spill can be removed and it will never return. Recurring spill stains can be completely eliminated if you'll carefully follow each step of the following instructions EXACTLY as they are written...

Rick Gelinas


Here's a copy of the SPILL STAIN REMEDY:

July 28 2009, 1:29 AM 

I must need new glasses, ......... AGAIN wink.gif



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif



Re: Here's a copy of the SPILL STAIN REMEDY:

July 28 2009, 11:15 AM 

or......if you decide to hwe after dropping/agitating with your mex.Go back and post pad with a 175 rotary or op.


Rick Gelinas

Here it is..

July 28 2009, 12:36 PM 


Here's a copy of the SPILL STAIN REMEDY:

Make sure you're following these steps TO THE LETTER, and your spots WILL NOT return. How can I be so certain of this? It's because we have cleaned millions upon millions of square feet (miles) of carpet and have treated an unimaginable number of spill stains with this technique --- and it works.

TAKE YOUR TIME. And follow these steps carefully...

1. When approaching a spill stain, isolate the stain and thoroughly scrub the carpet surrounding the stain with the encapsulation detergent, leaving the stain untouched. DON'T SCRUB THE SPOT - LEAVE IT DRY.

2. Next, aggressively scrub dry passes over the spot. Criss-cross the scrubber back and forth over the stain and continue to scrub continuously for a full minute or two.

We don't want to get the area wet with any additional detergent. This way, the spot is being aggressively cleaned with minimal moisture.

This is not a totally dry scrub; moisture is captured from the surrounding area and is drawn across the spot as the scrubber criss-crosses back and forth over the stain. However, the moisture is being kept to an absolute minimum.

By scrubbing for a full minute or two, the spill stain is receiving an extremely thorough scrubbing.

3. Prepare a spray bottle of a good crystallizing encapsulation detergent and mix the spray bottle 50/50 with water and detergent. This is an exceptionally effective spill stain remedy.

After scrubbing the spot thoroughly as described above, spray the spot with a few squirts of the encapsulation stain mixture.

4. The final step is to make one final quick dry pass over the treated spot with the scrubber to work the concentrated encapsulator down into the fiber. Now the spot won't return!

This trick for eliminating recurring spill stains transformed our carpet cleaning business. It enabled us to sell "Spot Free" cleaning to our commercial clients. Our customers LOVE it, since nobody has ever been able to remove them as effectively before. The only time we have a problem is when one of our technicians cuts corners and spends less time than they he should have. If they don't spend at least a full minute or two DRY scrubbing each individual spot first - the process is not gonna work.

These steps WILL work for you, providing that they are followed very carefully. In your case, I'd suggest going back and really take plenty of time on each spot, I'm 100% certain that you can eliminate them, because everybody is successful with this procedure for removing recurring spill stains.

Wishing you success!

Rick Gelinas

Thomas Owens

Re: Here it is..

July 28 2009, 6:29 PM 

Have you found this method to work only with the Cimex?


HUH ??

July 28 2009, 9:55 PM 

IS there another machine ???

happy.gif happy.gif happy.gif



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif


Rick Gelinas

Re: HUH ??

July 30 2009, 5:27 PM 

Yes, this technique can be accomplished with lesser machines too. wink.gif

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - what did we do wrong?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS