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July 27 2009 at 10:39 PM
David Hebert  

I liked my Mac until a week ago when it started having problems
First the inverter causing screen to flicker, Now my screen on the
bottem have is way darker and the colors are off.

Anyone else have these problems Thankfully it is under warranty but the down time is killing me. I was going to get another one mow I am up in the air.



July 28 2009, 9:38 AM 

Everything has hardware issues. The real questions is what do you use the computer for? If you do a lot of picture modification for adds and need a speedy computer stick with a Mac. If you just need to surf the internet and do basic word processing why waste the money?
I like the Mac because you can run both operating systems at the same time! Oh and you don't need virus protection, it slows everything down running in the background.



July 28 2009, 12:10 PM 

It use it for all my marketing materials including video editing, pod cast web sites, I do like using both windows and Mac OS on same machine as I still run a lot of windows software

I have always built my PCs on one that is about 6 years old 2.8 speed AMD not a lick of problems with it. Up until now I have been very pleased with the Mac but being down for 6 days cost me money, I know get another one, just used to being able to buy a piece of hardware and replace what goes if needed.

Computers are simple to work on and repair, my guess is after the first repair the cabling in the MAC was not put back rite and is causing the problem.

BTW I have personally seen a MAC get virus, rare but when they get one OUCH


Rick Gelinas


July 28 2009, 12:48 PM 

Sorry to hear about your Mac woes David. I currently own 10 of 'em, between the office and home (including the one that Drew is working on there). And so far, we haven't had a mechanical problem with any of them (our oldest Mac is 2 years old). Our Macs get used heavily too. But it is technology, and stuff breaks - so a failure is possible. Glad to hear yours is under warranty. For me, I am very satisfied with our Macs. FAR FEWER HEADACHES than what we had running PC's!!!!!!!!!!!

Rick Gelinas

David Hebert


July 28 2009, 8:24 PM 

They replaced the LCD screen.

The great thing is one day turn around rather then the 3 the last time. Have to say I love the customer service which is what sold me on them in the first place.

As stated I like the versatility of them, My wife informed me she like working on it for certain programs( code word for the house needs one too).

She is worth it and more.

Current Topic - MAC
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