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% of Protector

July 28 2009 at 11:06 AM

Hello... been a while since last post.

I am in need of knowing what percentage of carpet protector is in Punch and Clean compared to the normal 100% soileze protection you would normally apply? 10%, 15%, etc?

I'm about to bid on a large apartment complex and would like to put in the bid the % of carpet protector included on all carpet. And will apply extra carpet protector to the entry ways... or something like that.

Also am under the understanding that all releasit has some deodorizer as well? I believe all these benefits will assist in getting the bid!



Rick Gelinas

Solieze 101

July 28 2009, 12:43 PM 

The percentage of Soileze in Releasit detergents is far less than the full strength version of Soileze protector. Applying Soileze as a spray-on treatment provides a very high level of protection. When full protection is required, Soileze is a perfect match for Releasit's crystallizing chemistry. Whereas the protection of Soileze in the detergents is not as significant.

There are 4 benefits to the Soileze in Releasit detergent's:

1. It lowers the surface tension (that's what fluoro-chemicals do). By lowering the surface tension the detergent's surfactant is able to wet out the soil more effectively making the detergent more effective.

2. By lowering the surface tension, the crystallized residue releases from the fiber more readily.

3. It adds a measure of soil resistance.

4. It lowers the possibility of wicking.

Rick Gelinas


Re: % of Protector

July 28 2009, 8:01 PM 

after applying protector solize and dry will it show protection by beading water if you drop a bit on the surface..??

should residential carpet be raked after application to distribute on the fiber..


Rick Gelinas

Re: % of Protector

July 29 2009, 2:00 PM 

It may bead depending on the fiber construction. We are not really going for beading of water with Soileze. What we're looking for is protection from water-based soil, oil-based soil, as well as alcohol-based soil.

If it's convenient to groom the Soileze into the fiber can be helpful. Getting any type of protector product distributed evenly to the fiber is always a good idea. However, if a good spray application is provided to the carpet, the protection will be acheieved effectively.

Soileze is a potent product. And its protection is superb. We chose to work with an ideal fluro-chemical that would not only complement our crystallizing detergents but also provide exceptional protection.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - % of Protector
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