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Boric Acid

July 30 2009 at 10:20 PM
Al Taylor 

I just cleaned Olefin berber carpet friday.(move-out) I told the custy to go in let me know if everything is o.k. She went in Saturday everything was fine. Except one traffic area she wanted me to go in and see if I could do something about. So I did monday and vacuumed. Everything was normal. Got a call today she said that there was a strong odor in the aptment as you walk in the door. I used Realeaseit.

Prior to my cleaning she told me that she sprikled Boric Acid in the carpet to combat ants. I did a thorough pre Vac with conquest. I did a little research on boric acid and small irritation to nose due to inhalation of dust. sensetivity on msds is moisture.(cakes) I'm trying to figure out if the boric acid left in the carpet backing mixed with DS and hot water have anything to do with it. The ph is 4.8

MSDS- conditions to avoid: Boric Acid reacts as a weak acid which may cause corrosion of base metals.
Reaction with strong reducing agents such as metal hydrides or alkali metals will generate hydrogen gas which could create an explosive


Rick Gelinas

Re: Boric Acid

July 31 2009, 4:20 PM 

Boric acid is fairly inert and I seriously doubt if it would cause any kind of odor.

But let's look at another possibility. Boric acid is also used to kill flees. It is highly effective on flees. And if that's the case, there may have been a dog in there. And if there had been a dog it is possible that an odor could be present after cleaning.

Doggie odor is a possibility (or from some other source), but boric acid odor is highly improbable.

Rick Gelinas

Al Taylor

Re: Boric Acid

July 31 2009, 9:22 PM 

went in there today and there was a unidentifyable odor. To me it smell like its from just being closed up and there is no air of any sort flowing through. At any rate I hope she gets her deposit back. They're using the odor against her.

Thanks Rick G.


Re: Boric Acid

August 3 2009, 9:35 PM 

she might go buy some of the air things you plug in and put a couple around the apt.. one close to the return and turn on AC fan.. also spray some nice air naturalizer in the return air and let it run for a couple mins .. that should help remove/cover any closed up smells you get in summer..

provided the power is still on..

Current Topic - Boric Acid
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