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How and where to bid?

July 31 2009 at 10:09 AM


I was wondering how the bid requests work. What I mean is do companies call you for a bid or do you solicit bids?

I mail out a few hundred packets and/or postcards to business's monthly, but was wondering if I should come up with a flyer to "ask" for a bid invitation?

Perhaps timing is the reason for very low responses. Haven't been focusing on comm very long, a few months now and the economy is crappy now. Any suggestions would be great!

If companies don't call and request a bid then I cant know about them.




How to bid

July 31 2009, 11:19 AM 

Commercial work will not come to you. If you want it, then sometimes you might be in the right place at the time but most often you have to go get it. Rick has flyers on his COMMERCIAL
on the side of this message board. Find out who is in charge of hiring cleaners. Send them the letter. Then give them a few days and call them back. Try to get a quick demo.
Price your cleaning for Quality, not based on the cheapest bid.
I have a job pending now & the last company was cheap and it shows. Most of the time they will say,"we already have a carpet cleaner". Read the last few posts cause this is mentioned there. All of the places you sent out cards or letters to go and visit them. For big accounts take one day and visit buildings & get names. Send letters and then kept reminding them week after week til they are tired of hearing from you which at that point they will probably hire you on anyway. PERSISTENCE! PERSISTENCE! PERSISTENCE! PERSISTENCE!

Now for commercial carpet cleaning in small businesses, I carry a spray bottle full of encap and a Photobucket to scrub a couple of their worst spots. Never take away the whole spot. If they care about their stores, the owner will usually book an appointment. This has worked good for me in the past.



How To Bid

August 1 2009, 8:04 AM 

Current Topic - How and where to bid?
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