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Rick, a quick question...

August 3 2009 at 2:57 PM

Joe DeSouza 

You mentioned you like to target "Choice Accounts"...What is your definition of that?


Joe DeSouza

ps I would love to hear from others what their "Choice Accounts" are too!

David Hebert

Re: Rick, a quick question...

August 3 2009, 5:47 PM 

I believe Rick mentioned that a while ago, but I am sure he will be more then happy to do so again.

I think everyone's choice accounts will vary based on how much they can produce per day, and risk tolerance.

We like small to medium size stuff as the MMM will not generally touch them as well as the extra large stuff

Small = 2 to 5k

meduim= 5 to 20K

extra large 200k buildings and over.

We team up with people on those many times it is do 50k at a whack.


Joe DeSouza


August 4 2009, 8:51 AM 

Wow, what kind of facilities are those? The only ones that big here is an airport (handled by a large mmm janitorial co.) and some universities, that do some of the work in-house, but most of it done by large jan co's specializing in universities...

I would be interested to know how to get some of those jobs!




Rick Gelinas

"Choice" accounts

August 4 2009, 12:43 PM 

A choice account is any account that you feel is worth pursuing happy.gif

Each part of the country (and the world) is different. Sizes of accounts differ. So there is no set in stone approach. Ideally though, I think of choice accounts as accounts with PROMISE. Factors that make an account "choice" in my mind might include larger square footage (4,000 sq ft or more), regularity in their cleaning intervals, multiple locations, simplicity of servicing the account, pleasant work conditions, simple to invoice and schedule, etc.

So, the conditions that make an account "choice" could cover many different types of buildings/businesses. The bottom line is to select the kinds of accounts that you'd like for your company (your vision of the cream of the crop in your area)... and then pursue those types of accounts with determined effort. And if you will continue to market relentlessly to the "choice" accounts in your area, I'm confident that you can gradually build up a nice collection of top-notch accounts that are very "choice" indeed!

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Aug 4, 2009 12:44 PM


Re: "Choice" accounts

August 4 2009, 1:32 PM 

200k facilities are some of the high rise building around me and Boston area. Property Management companies will at times contract out the common areas. We have also had to fortune of cleaning some financial institutions in high rises one floor can be over 50k.

I agree with Rick in that best to find clients who want the cleaning to be done on a frequent basis


Joe DeSouza


August 4 2009, 11:44 PM 

do you find that Janitorial companies have taken over many of the high rise buildings like you are describing? Or do you still think there is a chance of guys like us getting in to some?



Ps I'm originally from the Boston area too! (Brockton)...the wife is from Tewksbury...we were their visiting last week actually!
nice to visit, but we are enjoying ourselves here in sunny Florida! LOL I do miss Boston though, lived on huntington ave for 2 yrs while I was attending college...but I DONT miss the traffic downtown at rush hour!


Re: Dave...

August 5 2009, 12:16 PM 

Many of those building do have janitorial contractors who do them, I know many of them sub them out or do a SUB par job.

Property management companies to take car of them will hire out some have crews to do them.

We happen to have a few contacts in both areas, this has gained us access to these building either through an intro to the contact person needed or subbing out the work.

Boston is nice to visit my preference is to travel to it and the surrounding Metro areas, we live in Western MA about a hour away. Lower overhead, housing , and quieter.

There is always a chance to get larger buildings, trying and never giving up is the key, took me two years to get into UMass Amherst

Fred Gruber

Re: Dave...

August 7 2009, 5:31 PM 

My choice accounts are medical professional offices, medical professional buildings and co-op buildings.

The reason I go after the medical is because of their financial stability (the parking lots are usually jammed)

I like the co-op buildings (where we clean the hallway carpets) because there's no furniture to move and it's easy money.

Current Topic - Rick, a quick question...
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