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Love that Smell

August 11 2009 at 7:08 PM

We do several large churches on a maintenance plan Cimex/ Releasit. Every time we do the offices, the girls complain about the smell of Releasit DS. So I ordered a case of Releasit Basic, problem solved and the girls love the smell. I can't smell it but will be using it more. It seams to clean as well as DS.

Bill Martins


August 11 2009, 8:12 PM 

I think the smell "smells" more from the tank rather than when it's being sprayed onto the pads/carpet, i've noticed the smell when i refill the tank to the top and start adding the 4-6oz per gallon dosage....but when walking the machine i don't smell it. But i have not conducted any testing as my senses are fine with the DS, i'd or other people could test it to see if it's just the tank, the releasing onto pads/carpet, and or both.

This message has been edited by bmartins on Aug 12, 2009 11:53 AM
This message has been edited by bmartins on Aug 11, 2009 8:16 PM

Thomas Owens

Re: Love that Smell

August 11 2009, 9:18 PM 

Are the girls in the offices the day you are cleaning?


Re: Love that Smell

August 12 2009, 11:40 AM 



Rick Gelinas


August 12 2009, 10:24 PM 

We actually find that most women can identify the scent of Tea Tree oil and that most women like the scent of Tea Tree oil. Tea Tree oil is in a lot of the health care and beauty products that women are using today. And that's one of the things we were going for when we formulated Releasit with Tea Tree... Even if she doesn't identify that she's smelling Tea Tree oil, she may recognize that she's smelled the scent somewhere before, and it's a good smell that she's enjoyed. Thus we're merging a favorable impression from a scent that the woman has likely experienced elsewhere into a pleasant carpet cleaning experience. Pretty cool wouldn't you say?

On the other hand, Encap-Basic has a scent that isn't as costly as Tea Tree oil (which is fairly expensive). It has a fresh clean scent, kind of a sweet cucumber aroma. And we're finding that folks like the smell of Encap-Basic. I'm glad to hear that you like it too Ray.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Aug 12, 2009 10:46 PM

Current Topic - Love that Smell
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS