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August 12 2009 at 12:22 PM
Bill Martins  

I have 4 resty that i do monthly, after many trials...i've noticed that the best way is to not run just the cimex solo, even tho the cimex w/ fiber maxes n ds does a great job i've noticed in certain areas if used with op the results are night and day difference.

The last resty i did for this account had only 300 sqft of beyond heavy soiled carpet, i prevacced in every direction, pre sprayed with encap green(didnt have punch), used challenger with cottons than followed by glads, than i went over with cimex using ds, the results was beautiful. Than i tried it in another section of the carpet this time using cimex first, stopped to compare the difference and it did not look as good as the op/cimex i went again and extracted and it looked great. This entire area was beyond cleanable and it looked great when i was done. However it was very slow but i didn't care how long it took since i don't want to lose the account. The other facilities are in the 3-5k sqft range.

I've checked 2 of the facilities that i cleaned 5-14 days ago and they look much much better even the dark areas are holding up well.

My questions are...

I know i will have to extract with op on areas that are really bad...

I can have a pile lifter not the xvac and also a sprinter, along with cimex and challenger. So far i've only used the cimex w/ fiber max and challenger w/ cottons/glads. If i use the pile lifter prior to pre vac and the sprinter after pre spray with punch followed by cimex(just scrubbing not pressing level) than op extracted is that just too overkill? Would I still need to go over one last time w/ cimex and some DS after i've oped it?

I'm not going to do that for the entire facility nor will i do it every month. But i've come to the conclusion that this account is not properly vacuuming the carpets as they should, so the areas that i typically see that are bad still look black when i see them when we go, overall the place is coming much cleaner.

Both the op and the cimex have a hard time getting into the corners where the carpet meets the hard surfaces, some people told me to use a hand scrub brush with 50/50 sprayer, could i use the makita with fiber plus/max instead of manually scrubbing or would i be better off using the spot brush or the triangular brush.

Lastly but not lease i've tried every type of gel solvent to remove gum, i've broken up those hard black gum spots than put the gum solvent scrubbed again and went over with the cimex didn't get it off, i don't have heat right now to remove gum, what are my options?

I think that's all for now...thanks for your time.


This message has been edited by bmartins on Aug 12, 2009 12:24 PM


Re: Overkill?

August 12 2009, 5:04 PM 

My feeling is always do what you feel best to do the job with in reason, as long as you feel you are making enough money to justify the efforts. When doing resturants my M O has always been vacuum, scrub and extract heavy traffic areas then encap the rest either with thin scrub pads or fiber pads.

For gum three product I have used that work, freeze spray, HardBalls Pine Spotter, or Attack by Cross American, GOO Gone or Goof Off will work but P U


Bill Martins


August 12 2009, 11:04 PM 

Thanks David for your reply.

Would this aerosol freeze gum work well? I know Rick has mentioned freezing the gum...this one sells @ Sears...which is a few blocks from me, my local interlink is a good hour away.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Procedure

August 13 2009, 2:23 PM 

Use a FREEZE SPRAY for gum (freeze and gently scrape), followed by a very tiny dab of SOLVENT GEL (blot with a towel). Done.

I agree with you that on a trashed out carpet adding OP CLEANING to the mix is a good idea. You can extract some extra soil with the OP machine. I've had good success on carpets where the carpets were hammered doing some post-OP cleaning following normal encap cleaning with the Cimex.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Overkill?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS