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This is weird!

August 12 2009 at 5:36 PM
Bill Grafton  

I cimex the carpets in several yoga studios. Recently, I was recommended to another studio and confidently cimexed it with added Odorcide to kill the odors that the previous spash and dash company cold not handle. It worked and they were happy the odors were gone. HOWEVER, they called a few days later and said a white power was showing up on many of the 2 sq ft commercial nylon carpet tiles. On inspection, I discovered it was salt. (These are heated studios and people sweat a lot!) I asked if this problem had ever occurred any time during the 6 to 12 week cycle the HWE people cleaned. The answer was, no. So my questions are:
1. Did the polymers free the very fine salt particles and allow them to surface on the 1/8 inch fibers? (The particles are so fine vacuuming does not pull them up.)
2. I plan to use the flooding procedure of the Stemin Demon and lightly spray on Odorcide after. A good idea?
3. Once I get it flushed out, will I be able to go back to Cimexing ?
The carpet tiles are about two to three years old and have always been cleaned, albeit not on a regular schedule, using HWE. Other than this problem the carpet tiles look great.


rick lord

Something like it

August 12 2009, 8:05 PM 

I have run into the same symptons seversl times and several people on ICS have had the same problem. In my case it was carpet fresh being applied either by the cleaning people or by the customer. I would highly suspect some type of deodrizing powder being used as they have complained about odor problems. When it's try (can take a while couple of day)Vacuum vacuum and vacuum again, then maybe steamin demon, I op'd it's a son of a gun to get rid of as it wicks up after.
One time one of my customers swore up and down they didn't use it until my second visit they had found a can the cleaning poeple had been using.

Al Taylor

And when you.........

August 12 2009, 8:58 PM 

.....Vacuum Vacuum and Vacuum again, be sure to use a conquest 1800!

Al Taylor
Have a great day! Its gonna be a great day to have!


Rick Gelinas

Re: And when you.........

August 13 2009, 5:51 PM 

Sounds like a solid idea to flush the carpet with the Steamin Demon. At 3 gallons of water per minute, you'll be able to do some pretty thorough rinsing.

You might consider pre-vacuuming thoroughly and then pre-scrub with your Cimex followed by a deep rinse with the Stewamin Demon. That should help to conquer the mystery dust problem.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - This is weird!
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