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Orbot with HEAT?

August 13 2009 at 1:13 PM
James Richardson  

What happens to DS when it's heated to 212f ? I was thinking that it might start to crystallize on the heating element.

What is the charge for this upgrade if I already have the SprayBorg?

By the time the solution hits the carpet wouldn't it have cooled off significantly? So how much improvement in cleaning is happening, if at all?

Another concern is that the heater appears to be tied into the existing electric on the machine. If your going to get 212 I would think that a 20 amp circuit would need to be used. Right now I can plug into any 15amp no problem. Most machines today that have heat are wired to allow separate circuits so you don't trip breakers. The heater appears to be pretty small and if it's small it'll draw lots of amps to maintain it's target temp.

I didn't talk to Jeff but I'm sure he's addressed this issue. I'm just curious how he did it on one circuit.

James Richardson
Squeaky Clean And Dry


Rick Gelinas

Re: Orbot with HEAT?

August 13 2009, 1:59 PM 


We tend to agree with the concerns you mentioned above. Therefore we don't recommend the heater for the Orbot.

Spraying heated detergent through the air is only going to produce warm solution as it hits the carpet. Don't get me wrong, increasing temperatures always imparts some benefit. But I'm not feeling there will be enough of a temperature increase to really see a boost in cleaning efficacy.

And your other concern is valid too. On a 110 volt system, you'll be pushing the system close to the limit for electrical current. In Australia where they have 240 volt power, it's a bit more practical. But I think you'd be taxing the current load here in the USA.

We recommend the Orbot just as it comes from the factory. It's already a sweet machine all by itself (without heat). And if you're using the best encap detergent in the world (aka RELEASIT) there's really no significant benefit to adding heat to your solution.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Orbot with HEAT?

August 13 2009, 3:20 PM 

From a operators stand point I agree with Rick, I have used DS at room temp with excellent results in both OP and Cimex, makes it nice not having to worry about heating it up all the time.


Orbot W/ Heat is a Different Machine!

August 13 2009, 3:31 PM 

The Orbot with head is a different machine. It has a 1/2 HP motor instead of the 1 hp that is on the model without heat! If you were to put the heating element on the 1 HP machine it would pop breakers because of the amount of power it would draw.

This message has been edited by EncapDrew on Aug 13, 2009 3:31 PM



Orbot W/Heat

August 13 2009, 4:59 PM 

If you need hotter water, then you can purchase a bucket heater for about $35. Heats a gal of water in about 12 mins.

Current Topic - Orbot with HEAT?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS